Just a final note on the Tsubasa Fanfiction!

Hey! Yes, it is I, Alazne. Well, it took a long time, but the fanfiction if finally done! I am sorry for the long wait on updates and for the -I'm assuming- insanely frustrating way to read it. I know it's very unusual for fanfics to be in screenplay format, but it was so much easier on Cyrus and I. And I also apologize for the frustrating way you have to continue going to the line wherever you were last then trying to read on. <bows deeply>

Please, critism is very welcome on this site, so post your comments and critisisms! I need it to be better!

Yes, this means you can call my work a boat load of **** if you want. But you must TELL ME WHY!!!!! I cannot stress that enough!

Thanks for reading this! ^^

