Hey, Welcome To The Akatsuki Puppets, A World Totally Devoded To The Akatsuki, but as you can guess, its mainly focused on Sasori, Deidara, and later on Tobi.

Pm me if you have any questions, or have a picture you want me to post, and there may be contests, who knows? ^_^

Otherwise, have fun in the Relm Of Complete Oddness (Once I post More, You'll Understand XD)


I found this Online while looking for Deidara photo's for my next post...

Tobi is NOT a Good Boy... Tobi is a VERY VERY bad Boy!!

Doesn't Tobi Know Deidara's A Boy?!?

Deidara..... "BOOM!!!"

Heh, another post on what i like to do... ^_^ yay for me...
Other than puppets, blowing things up is something i also like to do. And no, I'm not a terriorest. Things like just taping cherrybombs to plastic items seem fun for me... but its not really the "blowing the heck out of it" part i like, its more of the after effects.

One time, my brother had a smoke grenade and shot it onto the roof of the place my dad was (Our garage). The Smoke went through the window, and my dad freaked out XD. Other then that, i had dyed fireworks, when they were lit, purple, green, yellow, or blue smoke came out and dyed the grass that color ^_^.

But, if i can't light something on fire, a magnifying glass and some dried leaves will do ^_^

Partly Pyro, not that crazy....
