Akatsuki School: Tobi's Field Trip

Suddenly, Pein and Konan came back to the little seven year olds and announced, “Okay, everyone gather up here.”

The little first graders stopped what they were doing and walked over to the two chaperones. “Before we go to the gift shop and leave, this girl is going to take us on a special behind the scenes tour of the savanna habitat.”

The two adults moved out of the way to reveal a girl that looked nothing really out of the ordinary, yet kinda looked a little bored in some way “My name is Sakura and I’m your tour guide today,” the girl said with a somewhat happy expression.

Every one of the Akatsuki kids was bewildered. Even Itachi looked up at the spectacle “Is that really the tour guide?” Hidan whispered to Itachi.

“She doesn’t even look a day older than us,” Kisame whispered.

Everyone but the two adults in Akatsuki freaked out. “WHAT THE @%$&?! WE’RE SEVEN AND WE ARE TRUSTING OUR SAFETY TO A @%$&ING GIRL THAT LOOKS SLIGHTLY OLDER THAN US?!” Hidan flipped out.

Konan and Pein glared at Hidan telling him by their stares he said enough and was being rude. Hidan however ignored their stares and looked away with a stubborn look on his face. Sakura looked upset, but ignored this. “Well, I’m actually just an apprentice right now,” she said walking up to Hidan, “But, I’m doing so well here they promoted me to tour guide. Since I was promoted, nothing has ever happened to guests… Yet there might be an accident, so I suggest everyone stay together.”

She then looked at Hidan with an evil smile, “Besides, I heard that these animals love to eat little kids who disrespect people and have a very loud shout...”

Hidan then became scared at her statement and slowly backed away. “Ms. Konan? May I go to the bathroom before we go?”

What she said just scared the seven year olds more, but Itachi still wasn’t fazed nor was Sasori.

After that… “Interesting” meeting, Sakura led the group to the back of the savanna exhibit. She pulled out her keys, opened the door to the exhibit, led the students and teachers through the door, and locked it behind her… Or so she thought…