Zeshin Report:

Szayel: *walks into Aizen’s throne room, bows kneeling to one knee* Lord Aizen, I am here to report on the arrancar; Zeshin.

Aizen: *looks to Szayel* Continue, Octavo.

Szayel: *looks up from kneeling position* It seems he is doing rather well. He breezed through the first three challengers. The fourth and fifth was a little more of a fight than he expected though. However, he defeated them without harm to himself. *pauses with a thinking look*

Aizen: *studies Szayel look* Is there something wrong, Octavo?

Szayel: *makes eye contact with Aizen* Well my lord, his powers are very unique.

Aizen: How so?

Szayel: He is the second arrancar I have seen to have control of a unique power.

Aizen: The second, for a unique power you say? *narrows eyes*

Szayel: Yes, my lord, but I wait to see more to confirm. I am hoping in his next two fights he will use this power of his. I feel he is keeping it to himself.

Aizen: *looks down at Szayel* What else?

Szayel: He is strong, this proven in how quickly he got through the first three levels. His fight with Ket, on the fourth level showed his swordsmanship to be masterful. *sly grin* His battle strategies with Zine in the fifth level were also something to behold. For being a natural arrancar; Zeshin has exceeded most arrancar you have in your army now.

Aizen: *slight glare at Szayel* Is your report on Zeshin completed, Octavo?

Szayel: *bows head again* For now; yes my lord. He has just entered level 6 of the labyrinth and has yet to approach Fusz. I am sure with his fighting style and strength he should be reporting to you very soon.

Aizen: *stands from throne looking down at Szayel* No faith in your fellow arrancar, Octavo?

Szayel: *keeps head lowered wider grin* Of course my lord, but there is something about this new arrancar that has pique my interest greatly. If he were to make it through. Would there be a chance -- that, my lord, would allow me to scrutinize this deeper.

Aizen: *waves hand in gesture of not caring as I turn to leave* If he lives through this, he will endure the same as the others that have joined my army.

Szayel: *crazy smile* So he too will experience the hougyoku. *speaking more to self then Aizen* I am not sure that will be necessary. Zeshin, so far as shown me qualities of an Espada level arrancar. *gets to my feet and leaves after lord Aizen is gone*
