Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu

No Deposit. No Return:

Weeks had past and the clone Kita that was created by Zeshin remained in the depths of Las Noches as her captor-- Aizen Sousuke devised a plan pertaining to her and the Soul Society. Finally, her time had come. Things were a foot in Las Noches as ...

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Hidden Within:

Deep within the fifth tower Kita stirred. She looked around her with a heavy sigh.

"Finally, he has awoken, but why do I feel his reiatsu so close?"

Sighing again she moved forward to finish her tack at hand. She would seek answers from her Master later when she saw him.

Return to Las Noches

Kita entered the room seeing Aizen standing next to his throne speaking to Lord Gin. She quickly went down to one knee bowing her head. The dagger she killed Toshiro with still gripped tightly in her right hand. His blood dried to the blade. She wanted to --





But all she did was hang her head as her silver locks fell around her face.

"I have returned, Lord Aizen and in my return I bring you a gift."

She extended the dagger in front of her and laid it to the floor in front of her. Slowly she pulled her hand back and waited for Aizen to acknowledge her.

Lock and Key

*walks in room taking a seat on my throne, thinks to self*

It seems one of the Espada has learned Kita’s little secret. As long as Kita’s past is not broadcasted, the Soul Society should not get involved. *smirks* I am sure Szayel knows how to keep his mouth shut and dear Kita has no notion of her past. As long as her memories remain in the dark there is no possibility of anyone finding out from her.

*narrows eyes* I just need her to turn and join us. If her memories return before, she will never reveal the information needed for me to obtain. Hopefully Ulquiorra can remove that rebelliousness she so dearly clings to before her memories return.

*rubs chin* However, from Ulquiorra’s report it appears we also have a new arrancar wandering in Hueco Mundo. He has taken a liking to Kita as to Kita toward him. Maybe if --

*looks toward door when a knock sounds through room*

Enter. *sees Gin enter room* Hello my old friend.

*bows slightly* Aizen-sama. I see Kita has come back to us.

Hm… Not by choice from the report Ulquiorra returned with. She is behind lock and key.

*smiles* Still being our rebellious little angel, is she?

*nods* She has to realizes her dealings are getting her nowhere. She is only allowed out with a chaperone.

Poor soul, I think I will pay her a visit. *turns to leave*

*nods* Do try and talk some sense into the child.

*soft laughter walking from room* I will see what I can do. *waves over shoulder*
