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Government Sucks

I often wonder what goes through people's heads when they become a member of government. Seriously, it's like common sense goes out the window and they turn into utter morons, literally. So sit down and prepare yourself for a rant (or simply move ...

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You might be a Utah'n if

I just love irony, seriously I do. So I'm going to share the contents of an e-mail from one of my friends since you know, we do poke fun of our own state at times. FORGET REDNECKS… THIS IS WHAT JEFF F...

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I'm going to be blunt people, in regards to my post about chat earlier last week. What part of IT'S OVER WITH do you NOT UNDERSTAND? Seriously, just sh...

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Think About It

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Don't Do It

I'm not completely sure how the joke started, but I do know it needs to stop. You see, for some reason, when I entered chat earlier today, each time I was met with statements that ran along the lines of "Oh no it's Utah...

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