Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here, you may visit my blog, which is chock full of YouTube videos, music, images, and whatever else I stumble upon.

About Dev-chan:

Age: 15.5

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13th

theOtaku Anniversary: August 20th

Favorite anime/manga: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!, Elfen Lied, Hetalia: Axis Powers...MUCHOS OTROS (Many others, XD).


External Image

My Anime List! I My Manga List!

Requests, anyone?

I'm just wondering if anyone out there is looking for a work (Like a card maybe?) made by me for you! (I'll dedicate it to you, don't worry!) I think that this would be a fun idea, and I'd like to see how it would turn out~ You can just leave a comment here, and I'll get the work done a.s.a.p!

