So this is a new project im embarking on, mostly to keep me motivated to post regularly. Basically im going to post up a list of 100 subjects of anything and everything, then with each new post im going to write about my thoughts and feelings on one subject, totalling up to 100 individual articles. This will also be published on my MyOtaku Page, which i'd rather you read, but whatever.

AS OF 11/04/08 i havent even made a list yet, so please post your ideas and suggestions of things you'd like me to write about. and if you enjoy this idea, please share it with your friends!

Subject 001: "History: The Making of."

So, obviously the big deal of the week was the record breaking turnout to the American Election Polls and subsequent election of Barak Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America.

Now I hate to litter my blog with Politics, so I'm gonna keep this article short and to the point. Like him or Loathe Him, whether you say he’s black or Hawaiian or of Mixed Ethnicities, the point of the matter is that Obama is the first person to be elected President of America that isn’t an old white man. And whether you agree with his policies or whether you think he is going to fail miserably, it still doesn’t change the fact that HISTORY was made this week. And when future text books tell the generations to come of this monumental occasion, will you be proud to turn to your kids or grandkids or disfranchised youth and say “I was there!” or “I witnessed this point in history”?

The point I'm trying to make here is that you don’t often witness history in the making.
“Ah, but Darke!” I hear you cry, “Isn’t every moment we experience history? Doesn’t the mere acknowledgement of time passing itself the creation of history?”

Well, yes, its true that every moment passed is a moment consigned to history, but how often do you get to witness a social-political event that marks a turning point in the chronicles of the human race? How often do you experience something that will make the history books, will actually make a difference to generations yet unborn?

I don’t normally follow Presidential campaigns, but I followed this one because back in January I was certain that by the end of this year either a Black Man or a Woman would be elected President. That made it exciting. It made 2008 a crucial time in the first decade of the 21st century. Sure, 2008 might be remembered for other reasons too… the Beijing Olympics. The worst financial crisis since the crash of Wall Street in the 1930s.

But I'm going to choose to remember it as the year Humanity progressed. In as little as a Century a man like Obama has gone from “White Man’s Slave” to “Leader of the Most Powerful Country on Earth”.

It pleases me to think that Humanity is capable of advancing like that within 3-5 generations…it gives me hope for the future and the other things we might achieve.

Be proud. You witnessed the dawn of a new era. How many times will you be able to truly claim that in your life? Sure, I don’t know if Obama is going to live up to our expectations. But isn’t it fantastic we gave him a chance?

* * *

I'm still on the lookout for more topics. Preferably stuff that makes you think rather then any old stuff you could look up on Wikipedia. XD Ta.
