SaxGirl (Wallpaper Portfolio) Deathly Hallows

Deathly Hallows
1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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This is a challenge entry for the 'The hardest wallpaper I ever made...' challenge, hosted by josephine12cute ^^
First off, I hope this looks like I put a lot of effort into it, cause I feel like I sure did

How this wallpaper came about:
I was reading HP and the Deathly Hallows, again, so that was my first inspiration. Then I was also reading stuff about HP spells and artefacts on Wikipedia (don't ask why, I don't even rememberXD) and then I saw this picture of the Deathly Hallows sign:3 That's when I really knew what I was going to do^^ Then I went looking for the right pictures of HP and Voldemort (the second one was hard to findXD) and I managed to find good quality pictures, so that was great^^

Editing and finishing touches:
- Extracting the pictures from their original images
- I used a texture on Voldemort
- Texture on 'Deathy Hallows' (text consists of two layers)
- Various effects on DH sign, including Drop shadow and a lighting effect
- Tried a veriety of filters and textures on DH sign, but eventually made some kinda texture thing using the dodge tool:3
- Some touching up on HP (including some blurring here and there) + hue/saturation - I changed the picture to a more greenish hue (it was blue at first). Initially, I had a green background and tried to fit Harry's colours to those of the bg, but in the end I adapted the bg to HP's colours:3
- Some touching up on Voldemort
- Big change on Dark Mark (which came rather as an afterthought, but took a lot of time to get it rightXD) - hue/saturation, colour overlay, creating more depth using burn tool (image wasn't very 'visible' in the general composition)

The hardest things:
- Finding just the right pictures
- The composition of all the different pieces of text. First I typed all the words and phrases that, in my opinion, link directly to the DH, and then I had to put them into appropriate positionsXD At the end of the process, I also changed the size of some words, made them somewhat bigger or smaller. And after some contemplation, I slightly changed the colour to a really dark shade of green in stead of black, to make them blend in a bit better with the rest:3(Note: the positioning and size of most words is significant and symbolic in a way)
- Keeping all the images visible, and all the text readable (I made HP slightly less opaque so you can read ALL the text:3)

Unusual for me:
- I started out making the 1920x1200 resolution wallie (that was part of the challenge, so I figured I'd better start off by making that one:P)
- I used lots of textures (I NEVER do!)
- I made use of opacity a couple of times
- I used several filters (again, I never do that!)
- I messed around a lot with hue/saturation/colour overlays etc.
- Also, I placed some effects on the DH sign; I didn't even know they were available in PS before I made this wallie!xD

Done in: PS 6.0, with pen tablet
Time taken: probably about 6-7 hours in all
Original pictures:
Harry Potter
Deathly Hallows sign
Dark Mark
Brushes and textures all standard in PS
Dedicated to: Sage of Magic, because I haven't dedicated anything to her in a loooong time;^; And I know she likes HP too!^___^ So I hope you like this as well Sage-chan, even though it's a little gloomy x)


Harry Potter Wallpapers
7, challenge, challenge entry, conquerer, dark, dark mark, death, deathly, deathly hallows, deathstick, elder wand, entry, filters, green, hallows, hard, hardest wallpaper, harry, harry potter, harry potter and the deathly hallow, horcruxes, hp, ignotus peverell, invisibility cloak, josephine12cute, mark, master of death, opacity, potter, resurrection stone, sage of magic, saxgirl, sign, textures, the hardest wallpaper i ever made.., the tale of the three brothers, the tales of beedle the bard, tom riddle, vanquisher, voldemort, wand of destiny
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Member Dedication
Sage of Magic
the hardest wallpaper I ever made...

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