HelloKatty (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Chosen...

The Chosen...
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My 2nd Entry for cloud55strife's You remind me of..... Challenge!

ok well the character that reminds me of Cloud is Colette Brunel! why? well i shall list my reasons! i copied and pasted her traits and underlined the ones she shares with Colette.

I have a really short temper
I hate milk
I have a fear of needles
I am impatient
I stick to my promises
I have a sibling I'd do anything for
I'm immature
Incredibly stubborn
I'm self-absorbed
I can be selfish in a sense
I hate following rules I disagree with
I am a bit rude or foul-mouthed..
For anyone I care about, I have a never-ending loyalty
I'm incredibly caring
I could NEVER kill anyone
I always try to encourage people to move forward
I love dancing
I say exactly what's on my mind, regardless of what people will think
I say "baby" at the end of my sentences a lot
I'm horribly clumzy
I'm serious only half of the time, unless I truly need to be
I give people nicknames a lot
I'm very playful
goofy, silly and I love playing pranks on people
I'm more of an optimist than pessimist
I do have my incredibly negative moments
I'm very helpful and supportive, always willing to help my friends
I'm shy only at first, and then I'm talk way too much after I've opened up to people
I always try to be there for my friends
I'm both immature at moments and then mature and responsible at other moments
I'm pretty arrogant, and I do have a sadistic sense of humor, but I would never REALLY hurt anyone.

so that's why Colette makes me think of cloud! lol someone entered Colette in my version of this challenge, i guess we are both like Colette! XD

*coughs* oh yeah the details!

like my 1st entry i decided to use a render, mostly cause i couldn't find a good scan. i didn't make my own BG, i found a really pretty one and it goes well with the render in my opinion. and then i added my signature! i really like how this turned out and its my 2nd time using renders! XD

the credits

Render: renders-graphiques
Background: Google

hope u like it! :3


Tales of Symphonia Wallpapers
angel, blue, chosen, colette brunel, tales of symphonia
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You remind me of.....

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