Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) Wheel of Fate.

Wheel of Fate.
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Wow, this is the first time I'm submitting to theO first before AP [since I got an account on AP, that is]. I'm waiting to get some more feedback on it there...and plus, I made this with the purpose of entering the Burst Limit Contest here. ^_^ So yeah. I've been playing Persona 3 a lot lately. I took a break for several months because I got stuck on this one level, but I finally got past it...and so I've been playing it more. It's such a great game! Hence my making a wallpaper for it for the contest.

This took a lot of work...although it may not seem like it. :/ I've been pretty fed up with it, so now I just want to get it out of my hands! The original scan wasn't that great of quality unlike I initially thought. ^^; It looks good from the preview, but it's actually pretty crappy! So I ended up covering up the crappy quality with lots of textures...and I'm thinking I used too many. Poor Yukari (girl on the right) still looks a bit jagged or something. -__- Sorry about that. this wallpaper was a lot of layers of textures, different effects, stuff like that. The background is mostly stock photos from Yumilovestokyo on Deviantart. I altered them and used textures, etc. like I said. Erased some away to show the red background that I made before and gave up on...

As for the text, I wanted to mimic the text in the opening animation/sequence of the video game, what with the French [and font] and all. Again, this took a while because I was trying to get help with it on AP, and I was also not happy with how it looked at all! I hope it looks ok. ^^;; Took roughly 6 hours? Maybe less; I'm not sure. Enjoy~

Persona Wallpapers
burst limit contest, dark, fate, grunge, mitsuru, p3, persona 3, yukari
27 votes thumb
25 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Neko Nana Mode

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