sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) Don't Hold Back!

Don't Hold Back!
1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Title: Don't hold back! (one verse from The Chemical Brothers' song 'Galvanize' which has been stuck in my head on 'repeat' for a few days)
1280 x 1024 version is love. The others suck.

Here's what went on today, events which led to the creation of this wallpaper:
Scan: Oi, you lazy bum! Get your arse down to work, you've procrastinated long enough!!
Me (sleepy): Whatever, let's see what we can do...

Technically, I was supposed to vegetate for a week after completing a difficult vectored & painted Sola wallpaper (which I won't submit here due to the uber-small resolutions), but I remembered the scan Kelsey (Angel Zakuro) said she wanted a wallpaper of. So I went and downloaded it, sat in front of the computer for about 5 minutes thinking what to do with it and started working on it! Kelsey, I sure hope you like funky-disco wallies, 'cause this one is a total clash of happy colors! XD (I'm fond of it! Even though I usually hate too colorful walls with a passion...)

Tech details: I forgot how many layers there were, probably around 15. Those stripes on the right side are a strip pattern modified with the Polar Coordinates filter, then with Twirl, if you're wondering. A few brushes were used, to make those cute dots :3 I love dots :3 They mean happiness *is in a random mood* I also applied a vertical small pattern and a Surface Blur to enhance the quality, hence the huge file size (yes! finally it saved right!)

The title makes the wallie look even more sexy :3

Can you believe I actually EXTENDED the scan? Me neither. The lazy creature that I am, I usually resize them, but this time I wanted the entire scan :] I also found out my non-existent smudging skills suck more than I knew ._. The right part sucks (it was extended, therefore it sucks).

I wish I could set it as my wallpaper, but my dad would probably say weird things then o_O" But I might do it, just to see the look on his face! XD

Ahem *coughs* This is getting really off-topic, so I'll just go away XD Thank you for the feedback (if you leave any lol)

Loveless Wallpapers
disco, funky, loveless, neko, ritsuka, soubi, yaoi
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Angel Zakuro
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