Hi! Just wanted to drop by and sign! I truely hope to see more art from you in the future, I can already tell you're extreamly talented! If you ever wanna chat, shoot me a message, I wont bite ^_^ See ya around!
Naaaah, I don't mind late replies at all, so no worries okay? I'm kinda busy too, so of course I understand you.
XD I was just as clueless as you when I first joined theO!
i'm really sorry for my late reply, i haven't used my computer that much cause i'm a bit busy. anyways thank you for letting me know. it seems really easy and now i feel very silly! XD
Ahhh Black Star Shooter? O.o? Am sure not familiar with that name. All I need now is the all-mighty google to help me clarify things *opens a new tab for google*
Owh you mean you wanna know how to submit fan art? Leave it to meh!
First go to the Backroom >> Quick Submit >> Fan Art
hm, so far i've tried looking for a vocaloid anime, but there seems to be none. they all seem to be computer programs that compose music and have mascots. But i did hear that they were to make on called "Black Star Shooter" or something like that.
it's okay, for some reason i had a feeling that someone might confuse me for a girl...lol
by the way may ask you for help? i would like to know how to submit stuff. i'm sort of planning to submit a drawing but i don't really know how.
Ahhh Vocaloid! It's soooo famous but I have yet to watch the anime... Mebbe I should add that to my to-be-watched list *scribbles*
Owh I seriously thought you're a girl! Sorry bout that, so now you know I'm THAT bad in guessing one's gender XD LOL
And yeaps, he ISH cute~!
lol you did frighten me a little. ^_^ hm the guy on my avatar is a fan made vocaloid, but i'm sure what his name would be though. he is pretty cool to me though, i can't really say he's cute or anything since i'm a guy and that would be a bit awkward....well at least to me.
Heya to you too~! Naaah no biggies, it's fun meeting new peeps.
Omg XD LOL I've scared yah! Sorry bout that.
Hmmm who's the guy on your avatar? He's... CUTE~!
Hello, I'm Zevbra, thank you very for signing my GB i'll be sure to ask for question if i have any. lol you gave a scare for a momment with the vampire thing! lol jk ^_^
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/10 | Reply
Heya Zevbra~! Welcome aboard to theO and have fun throughout your stay yah~! If you need anything, don't hesitate to PM me okay? Although I'm a vampire, I promise I won't bite Hope to see you around very soon~!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/08/10 | Reply
Hello Zevbra! Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Hello! I am trying to meet new people as well! (: I would love to get to know you so... YAH! IDK. Anyways, welcome to TheOtaku. Don't be afraid to converse with me, I'm not that scary. Not at all. C:
Konichiwa! :D I'm 1dev13, but feel free to call me Dev or Dev-chan! ^-^ But anyway, welcome to theOtaku! :D If you ever need help, or are just looking for a friend, feel free to PM me~ *Subscribes*
Immortal Queen
Fighting Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/11 | Reply
Wishing you all the best for 2012, reach out and seize the future in the palm of your hand
---Immortal Queen---
Dear Common Sense, I miss you please come home, before I do something else stupid. Love Me.
Sweet Lullaby
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/10 | Reply
I hope to see more from you too~!

toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/10 | Reply
Thank you for the gift zevbra!!! >_<
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/29/10 | Reply
Thank you very much, i'll be sure to stop by your gb and sign it when i get the chance.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/29/10 | Reply
Ah, thank you very much. if i have any questions, i'll go see if i can ask you for help.
Awkward Turtle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/27/10 | Reply
Hi! Just wanted to drop by and sign! I truely hope to see more art from you in the future, I can already tell you're extreamly talented! If you ever wanna chat, shoot me a message, I wont bite ^_^ See ya around!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/27/10 | Reply
Hey there! Welcome to the O. I love what work you have put up and can't wait to see more :). If you have any questions, let me know! I subscribed.
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/20/10 | Reply
Naaaah, I don't mind late replies at all, so no worries okay?
I'm kinda busy too, so of course I understand you.
XD I was just as clueless as you when I first joined theO!
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/15/10 | Reply
You're welcome!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/15/10 | Reply
it's okay, i'll go see that link you gave me. thank you! ^_^
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/15/10 | Reply
I'm not sure,
I searched, but it's still unknown...Here's a link, though~
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
@train engines:
i see, i'm sorry for assuming you were new too! lol XD anyways i do hope that we can become friends.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
lol by the way do you know when black star shooter will come out? i would really like to watch it, it seems like it's going to be interesting!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
i'm really sorry for my late reply, i haven't used my computer that much cause i'm a bit busy. anyways thank you for letting me know. it seems really easy and now i feel very silly! XD
train engines
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/12/10 | Reply
Well not really. I've been on the site for over three years but then deleted my old account so yeah. (:
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/12/10 | Reply
Ahhh Black Star Shooter? O.o? Am sure not familiar with that name. All I need now is the all-mighty google to help me clarify things *opens a new tab for google*
Owh you mean you wanna know how to submit fan art? Leave it to meh!
First go to the Backroom >> Quick Submit >> Fan Art
Can't wait to see your artworks!
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/12/10 | Reply
Thank you for signing my guestbook as well~
And Vocaloids? You're right about them, and the future anime that they're making, Black Rock Shooter, I can't wait to see it, XD
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/10 | Reply
hm, so far i've tried looking for a vocaloid anime, but there seems to be none. they all seem to be computer programs that compose music and have mascots. But i did hear that they were to make on called "Black Star Shooter" or something like that.
it's okay, for some reason i had a feeling that someone might confuse me for a girl...lol
by the way may ask you for help? i would like to know how to submit stuff. i'm sort of planning to submit a drawing but i don't really know how.
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/10 | Reply
Ahhh Vocaloid! It's soooo famous but I have yet to watch the anime... Mebbe I should add that to my to-be-watched list *scribbles*
Owh I seriously thought you're a girl! Sorry bout that, so now you know I'm THAT bad in guessing one's gender XD LOL
And yeaps, he ISH cute~!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/10 | Reply
lol you did frighten me a little. ^_^ hm the guy on my avatar is a fan made vocaloid, but i'm sure what his name would be though. he is pretty cool to me though, i can't really say he's cute or anything since i'm a guy and that would be a bit awkward....well at least to me.
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/10 | Reply
Heya to you too~!
Naaah no biggies, it's fun meeting new peeps.
Sorry bout that.
Omg XD LOL I've scared yah!
Hmmm who's the guy on your avatar? He's... CUTE~!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/09/10 | Reply
Hello, I'm Zevbra, thank you very for signing my GB i'll be sure to ask for question if i have any. lol you gave a scare for a momment with the vampire thing! lol jk ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/09/10 | Reply
thank you. ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/09/10 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
hey toya, i was going to look for you but i forgot to. i'll be sure to ask you or help okay ^_^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/09/10 | Reply
omg hey Zev, i can't beleive you made an account here! welcome to theotaku, pm if you need help. ^_^
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/10 | Reply
Heya Zevbra~! Welcome aboard to theO and have fun throughout your stay yah~!
If you need anything, don't hesitate to PM me okay? Although I'm a vampire, I promise I won't bite
Hope to see you around very soon~! 
Hanawa aka Hana
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/08/10 | Reply
Hello Zevbra! Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/08/10 | Reply
Hi zevbra, I'm Telisa ^^
Welcome to theO, it is wonderful to meet u
Have fun and enjoy here with us ^^
Hope we can be friends, just drop me a PM anytime if u need anything ^~
Feel free to subs me
Let ur Light shine =^.^=
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
Hi Zevbra! Welcome to theO!
I hope you have fun here and become friends
If you have questions or just want to say hi please PM or comment
See you around!
Amanda Lie
Otakuite | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
Hello, I'm new too^^ I hope we can be friends
train engines
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
Hello! I am trying to meet new people as well! (: I would love to get to know you so... YAH! IDK. Anyways, welcome to TheOtaku. Don't be afraid to converse with me, I'm not that scary. Not at all. C:
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
Konichiwa! :D I'm 1dev13, but feel free to call me Dev or Dev-chan! ^-^ But anyway, welcome to theOtaku! :D If you ever need help, or are just looking for a friend, feel free to PM me~ *Subscribes*
Hope to see you around! ^-^