
Title Otaku Eternal
Birthday 06/22/92
Member Since 12/03/07
Guestbook 11 signatures
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Gifts SRI: Merry Christmas!!!! :D RSRKingdomStars: HUGS! =] cuz ur amazing & ily<333 X3 SRI: Your an awesome friend!
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Medals Creator - Walk walk fashion baby..... Contestant - Challenge: Who Says Art Doesn\'t Feel? Contestant - Challenge: The Fall of the Otaku Creator - OC's :D Creator - Draw ur favorite singer/ band Winner - Challenge: Drawing a Superstar!/singer! Contestant - Challenge: Vocaloid Desu~

Subscriptions 18 subscriptions

  • Cherryshock
  • IrrationalPrince
  • SiSero
  • xXxShiaxXx
  • ched
  • KungPowChicken
  • RSRKingdomStars
  • SRI
  • DisintegrationSt
  • imouto chan
  • Sakura Nami
  • phonet
  • Reenigrl
  • Adam
  • cassandra5322
  • SpiffySporkPerson

Subscribers 21 subscribers Favoritefavorite

  • HaruhiRitsuka
  • blazefan22
  • Troublesum Shika
  • aoneko
  • imouto chan
  • RSRKingdomStars
  • shizuka101
  • mello159
  • Animefan 1
  • NejixWrathLover
  • Arctic Summer
  • Ryo or Demon
  • ShingetsuHime
  • lion cherrysweet
  • SRI
  • AngelBest Dream

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