
Title Otakuite+
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Member Since 03/18/05
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Gifts : Merry Xmas, Lala-darling! Angel Zakuro: Merry Christmas!! *huggles* <33 sparkle 078: ��ー ����� :D I <3 you sparkle 078: NINO~!!!!!!!!!! xD sparkle 078: I'm going to brick you one day. D: somegirl: GAHO! <3 without the ga... and an e sparkle 078: AIBAAAAAAAA!!! x3 deadly neko: I miss you! sparkle 078: *clashes ring* Toma fans unite!! XD � u!
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  • hieiartemis
  • sparkle 078
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  • Stixx
  • shadow princess
  • Ls army
  • Heartkruez
  • sparkle 078
  • deadly neko
  • Angel Zakuro

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