Eat Moar Cake! tiggerola

Refi: Shhh!!! Okay, today we have set up state-of-the-art Canvid Cameras to capture Hiei at his secret hobby! (for those who don’t know, that is he pretends he has his own cooking show) So hopefully this time we won’t get caught.

Kurama Clone #2: You just never give up, do you?

Refi: *victory pose* Thank Joey Wheeler for his inspiration on perseverance! ^o^

Hiei’s Café

Hiei: Und today ve shall learn how to bake ze cake… *snicker* from scratch!

*Hiei gathers materials*

Hiei: If you get down to the basics, you will find that cake is quite healthy. Today you will need bread, milk, and eggs. Notice how the ingredients cover three of our food groups. While the cake bakes, we will make a strawberry frosting to cover fruit and a chocolate filling. And since chocolate is cocoa that comes from a bean, we will have our vegetable too! You see, cake is natures perfect food!

*Mori looms behind Hiei and Hunny bounces off of his shoulders*

Hunny: I smelled the word cake! Is there any cake here?

Hiei: >_> Didn’t know the castle had guest today.

Hunny: *seeing the ingredients and utensils* Wow, what is this?

Hiei: I’m making a cake.

Mori: Mmm.

Hunny: Really? Like how commoners make it? Can we help?

Hiei: Just don’t get in the way, you little brat.

Mori: Grrr.

Hiei: >.> Don’t thing you can intimidate me, you big oaf!

Hunny: So what do we do first?

Hiei: *seizing the opportunity* Well, you take ze bread here und put it into ze bowl, like so. Den you take ze milk und pour zem on top. Den grab ze eggs und beat zem in.

Hunny: Oh? Like this?

Hiei: To start, but be sure to beat the eggs really good!

Hunny: Got it!

*Hunny uses his martial arts moves to beat the eggs and mix the ingredients*

Hiei: *impressed* Hm, not too bad. Now to heat ze oven.

*Hiei opens the oven door and uses fist of the moral flame. Hunny tosses the bowl to Mori who is holding the pan. Mori catches the bowl and pours the mixture into the pan then tosses it into the oven. Hiei closes the oven.*

Hiei: Good, good. Now for ze frosting und ze filling.

Hunny: Mmm! Strawberry or chocolate?

Hiei: I’ll melt ze shokolate, you beat ze strawberries!

*Hiei dark flames the chocolate while Hunny and Mori punch the strawberries back and forth between each other.*

Hiei: Now put it all together und voila!

*Hiei pulls the pan from the oven, shoves the chocolate into it, then Hunny hits the strawberries to land on top.*

Hunny: It doesn’t look like the cake we get imported from France, but I bet it still tastes good!

*Raine enters the kitchen*

Raine: Eureka! I have created a masterpiece!

*The others turn and stare at her.*


Everyone: o.O???

Raine: Cake is known to be sweet, but here is a big breakthrough. A revolutionary, culinary dish to please your palate as you enjoy a dessert that packs the punch of a full course meal. You see, I substituted the sugar with a blend of curry and red hot chili peppers… *continues ruin-mode monologue*

Hunny: *aside* I don’t recall any ‘sugar’ did we use ‘sugar,’ Mori?

Mori: *shrugs*

Back in the Queen’s Secret Lair

Refi: Oh please tell me we got that on tape! That was too precious! And our little Hiei clone is making new friends! ♥

Kurama Clone #2: Tape? I suppose that was a one-time deal for whoever watched it live.

Refi: I didn’t know we still had the Host Club hanging around here…which brings up a valid point, why don’t we have a Kyoya clone?

Kurama Clone #2: I think the ‘cloning business’ you set up fell out of fashion before Host Club…

Refi: And a Riku clone, and an Eyes Rutherford clone, and a Rei clone, Oh I want a Rei clone! >.< And I guess a Hiyono clone would be a lot of fun. And why not a Guy clone, and a Kratos clone, and we should have a Uryu clone as well, and a Zelgadis clone and…

Date Published
06/26/09 (Originally Created: 05/11/09)
Queen Refinnej's Castle
Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Words
3 hugs hug
3 members Favoritefavorite
Makin' moar Fan Words!
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