Hiei in RainbowLand: The Musical tiggerola


[Some may know how our dear Sally Sue had the notion a while back to transport Vegeta to Care-A-Lot while sleeping {my very second post on MyO, later my sister had a brilliant idea to continue it, imagine some of the Care Bears assembling themselves to do the Care Bear Stare on Vegeta and he would say (now you have to do this in his voice for it to be funny) “I care…I…care…I CARE!!!” with wide eyes! lol} and kidnapped cartoons to make them sing Kum-by-ya around a campfire…but this time she had another idea…she wondered what would happen if Hiei woke up in RainbowLand!]

Hiei: [holding head] Ouch! That must have been something powerful to knock me out of my tree…

Rainbow Brite: [rides up to him on Starlight] Hello ^_^

Twink: Where did you come from?

Hiei: [brushing self off] I don’t really see how that matters to you…

Starlight: He looks rather dark, do you think this is the working of Murky and Lurky again?

Rainbow Brite: Twink! The Star-sprinkles! [throws Star-sprinkles on Hiei, he glows rainbow colors for a while then turns black again]

Hiei: -_- I know not of such nonsense you speak! I don’t have time to play, I’ll be on my way [zips off, but finds there is no way to escape the place then notices the rainbow leading out so he goes towards the castle where the rainbow is coming from]

Starlight: [from behind] You seem pretty fast! Perhaps we could race sometime. After all there isn’t a creature in the universe that can outrun me, Starlight, the most magnificent horse in all the universe!

Hiei: -_-; Thinks: not to mention the most humble

Rainbow Brite: Not now Starlight, I think our friend may need our help!

Hiei: OO; Friend? Huh, friendship doesn’t come that easily, it has to be earned!

Color Kids: [running towards him from the castle] Yay! Another friend!

Rainbow Brite: Everyone, meet Black Night! The long-lost Color Kid!

Hiei: O.O;;; You can’t be referring to me?!? I’m no Color Kid! I hate color, that’s why I wear black, and I’m over a hundred times your age!

Red Butler: [pats Hiei on the back] ^_^ Nice of you to join us!

Buddy Blue: [shaking Hiei’s hand] yes we definitely needed more guys around here!

Hiei: -_-+

Canary Yellow: [thinks: I’ll say since Rainbow has dibs on all of the guys already]

Shy Violet: [whispering to Patty O’Green] teehee, he’s kinda cute isn’t he?

Hiei: -_-+++ [pulls out katana]

Date Published
05/10/09 (Originally Created: 04/25/09)
The Library
Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Words
2 hugs hug
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