An Anime Christmas Year... tiggerola

Hiei Scrooge meets the final Ghost and goes Back to the Future!

The colors swirled and the laughter rang on. The miffed merriment was only ended when the Christmas Bells brought it to a screeching halt. Hiei sat up in his tree again, as if his party with the Mabudachi Trio {Shigure, Ayame, and Hatori from Fruits Basket} was nothing more than a dream. A spirited dream…no pun intended.

Hiei: >.> You know, after I eliminate the bells’ source, I’m coming after you!

Well excuse me for doing my job! I suppose you wouldn’t want me to elaborate your little escapade with the boys last night…

Hatori: One more word and the entire Narrating Industry will know of every embarrassing thing you have done since the day you were born.

*meep* Say no more.

Hiei: >.> What are you doing here? Are you to show me the future now?

Hatori: No. Shigure didn’t do his job properly so I came to warn you of something he forgot to tell you.

Hiei: Very well -_-

Hatori: Two children *opens doctor jacket {never fear, he’s still wearing a stiff suit underneath} revealing Hiro and Kisa Sohma curled up underneath* Ignorance and Want.

Hiei: What about them.

Hatori: I’m not one to go into details. But now that you are warned, you are ready to meet the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, farewell.

With that Hatori and the children vanished leaving Hiei in a dark and dreary alley that he had never seen before. At first he pondered about Hatori really trying to keep him from later harm and was relieved that he was not as long winded as Shigure had been, then he noticed his tree was no where around.

Hiei: I’m really getting sick of all these sudden scene changes. -_-

*Eerie music starts playing in the background*

Hiei: *assumes fighting stance, ready to draw katana* Show yourself!

From around the corner appeared a dark figure in a brown trench coat with the breathing pattern of Darth Vader.

Hiei: Am I supposed to be scared? Are you supposed to be the most intimidating specter of the night?

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing*

Hiei: You’re wide vocabulary astounds me =-=

Future: *Dart Vader Breathing* *lifts arm and extends a boney pointing finger*

Hiei: Fool. *looks in direction of point*

Sano: So I hear the old fleabag finally kicked the bucket.

Eyes Rutherford: It would appear that way, yes.

Zelgadis: I heard even his only living relative isn’t in the will.

Sano: Well what do you suppose he’s going to do with his riches? It’s not like he needs it where he’s going.

Hiei: Well, they’re a cheery bunch.

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing* *points further*

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Martina: Master Zelos! I brought back his top hat and cane!

Zelos: Oh well, well, well! Very good my sweet voluptuous honey!

Ryoko: Oh that’s nothing! I uprooted his tree and brought it, this will be worth a pretty penny won’t it? *swings it over shoulder*

Zelos: Woah! Heh, heh. Watch out there my beauty! And my dear little ninja-girl, what have you brought me Sheena?

Sheena: Ugh! Hands off you perv! I was able to snatch something that could have been used for blackmail, if he were still around.

Zelos: Well let us see, too bad you didn’t go searching for it sooner.

Sheena: *pulls out from behind* I brought his little Teddy Bear!

*They all laugh*

Hiei: o.O How’d she get that? >.> hn It must be a look-a-like, nothing more…

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing*

Hiei: What now?

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing* *grabs Hiei’s shoulder and the scene changes*

Hiei: At least you don’t make speeches about how everyone hates me, I don’t care if they rejoice even if I was gone. Back at Trunk’s shack now? I’ve already been here.

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing* *points to window; Hiei looks in*

Hiei: They all look so sad. Don’t tell me that they actually are crying for me.

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing* *shakes head*

Trunks: Come now children, its time for our Christmas Feast.

Amelia: How can we feast when Shippo is…is… *bursts into tears*

Hiei: Where is the little demon runt?

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing* *leads Hiei into a turn and they are now in a graveyard, right in front of Shippo’s gravestone*

Hiei: This can’t be true…then the Present Ghost was right even though he covered it up.

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing*

Hiei: Well, if it is this death that is the talk around town, then where am I?

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing* *points*

Hiei: Buried over there? So I do get to go on and take over Spirit World. But tell me…What killed me! I want to details man!

Future: *Darth Vader Breathing* *shakes head then points further*

Hana: *appears from behind* He wants you to look beyond what you see.

Future and Hiei: ACK! *assume startled poses while Future’s hand knocks off hat and sunglasses from face revealing George*

George: Where did you come from?

Hiei: More importantly, where did you get that cloak?

Hana: End of commentary *turns and disappears in fog that just appeared*

Hiei: o.O *recovers from shock then notices the Ghost of Chritsmas Yet to Come is really George, the ogre lackey of Koenma from Spirit World* What are you doing here?

George: *chuckles* Puu?

Hiei: Is all that you can say, fool?

George: Aw, now don’t scold me. I needed a new job to get me away from my heartless boss, and the tournaments didn’t like my announcing voice ToT Instead they put me in this silent gig.

So as far as this goes in English…Hatori really is the Future! {Hatori and George have the same VA in English}

Hiei: >.> What are you mumbling about now?

George: *shakes fist in the air* Watch out! I’m going for your position next!

ToT Everyone is picking on me today! Aren’t you concerned about your future any more Hiei?

Hiei: You should be the one who is concerned about your future… *draws katana*

>.> Oh scary, you think I can be cut with a butter knife like that?

Hiei: No more games! Show yourself!

But I’m omnipresent! So you can’t hurt me in any way, but I can still annoy everyone!

Hiei: >.> You’re right ogre, you’d do better in his position.

George: ^o^; aw that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!

Hiei: So where on earth were you pointing?

George: Oh yeah, I was pointing to that cloud over there. I’m sure Koenma wouldn’t mind us using his nimbus to get over there.

*whispering out of earshot of Hiei and George* And so the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come flew Hiei off to the cloud in the distance. On top of the cloud they found colors, hearts, and ribbons.

Hiei: Where is this?

George: Welcome to Care-a-Lot! This will be your fate if you don’t change your ways.

Tender Heart Bear: Would you like to play another game?

Cheer Bear: Or would you like a great big hug?

George: When a bucket was left outside your office asking for a kind donation, you kicked it as far as you could then someone filed a report saying you needed a visit from the Care Bears…so they came and took you away.

Old Hiei: My Jagan…my katana…all gone…no defense…must…not…give…in…

*colorful bears continuously glomp Old Hiei*

Hiei: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date Published
12/24/08 (Originally Created: 12/22/08)
The Library
Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Words
4 hugs hug
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