Bound By You kitabug69

Part 17

Oki and Light lay in her bed for the next few hours talking about the past events that have taken place while he was not in his Kira state of mind.

Oki also told Light about going to L and telling him that she knew his real name and the offer she gave him for her not to use it. Light slowly pushed his self up on one arm looking down at Oki.

“Do not ask me Light, because I will not tell you his name.”

“I didn’t think you would.” Light said to her.

“Then why the look?” Oki asks him.

“It was what L told everyone when my father, Matsuda and Aizawa, finally talked him into releasing me from his 24/7 surveillance.” Light told her.

“What did he tell all of you?” Oki asks.

“He told us that if he were to die before you, you were the next Kira and was to be taken under custody. No matter how bad your illness was you were to be held until your inevitable end.”

Oki chuckled, “Did I scare him that badly?”

“The strange thing is. That L knows you value life and he’s having trouble coming to terms with the idea that you could do anything like this.” Light explained.

“That’s why he also told them I was to be charged right along with you.”

Oki rolled to her back as she looked up at the ceiling. Light slowly moved over the top of her looking into her eyes.

“What’s wrong Oki?” Light asked her.

Oki sighed as she shook her head, “I did not want to do what I did. But he pissed me off with acting all high and mighty when he had you in custody. I wanted him to believe that you could never do something like this. I guess my attempts were in vain. Since he still believes you are Kira.”

“Thank you for trying to save me.”

Light closed the gab between them as their lips touched.

Just then, a knock came to Oki’s front door. Light pulled back from Oki.

“Are you expecting anyone else?”

“Not that I knew of.” Oki replied.

Amaterasu appeared in Oki’s room as she announced, “L is here.”

Light quickly got from the bed.

“That asshole! Why can’t he just leave us alone?”

Light stormed from the room not completely closing the door behind him.

Once at the front door Light jerked the door open exclaiming, “What the hell do you want now Ryuzaki?!”

L batted his eyes a few times looking at Light.

“Well now. What if I would have been someone body else, Light. That is truly a rude way to answer the door.”

“No body else would come here but you Ryuzaki. Now what the hell do you want?” Light ordered to know.

L pushed his way into the apartment.

“You two have been together alone, for the last three hours. I thought that was plenty of time before I came to visit Oki myself.”

L walked toward the living room looking around the room as if he was looking for something. He then turned looking at Light as Light stood behind him.

“Not only that, Misa has been asking for you. She said you where not answering your phone.”

“Of course I am not going to answer my phone. I am spending time with my girlfriend, which I have not seen alone in months!” Light exclaims.

L turned from Light as he walked toward the open door in the hall, “Now that is not true. You were alone with her just a few weeks ago.”

Light quickly stepped in front of L stopping him from going into the bedroom.

“Being watched on camera and wire taps for sound is not alone, Ryuzaki.”

“Umm… Yes, that could not be helped. After all you and your beloved Oki are birds of a feather.”

Light grabbed L by his shirt front slamming him against the wall in the hallway.

“I swear Ryuzaki. You are going to push the wrong button one day. And it is going to take everything I have to keep from tearing you apart.”

Oki stood right inside her bedroom listening to everything that was said as she stepped out of her room.

“Stop this Light.” Oki said in a clam weakened tone.

“Oki what are you doing out of bed?” Light questioned.

“Stopping you and L from ripping one another’s heads off, I am the one that is going to die here first. I am not going to let either one of you steal my thunder.” Oki said with a weak smile.

Both of them shocked at her statement forgot what they were fighting about as they looked at her.

“Oki, what a cruel thing to say.” L responded.

Light reached for Oki touching her hand, “Oki please go back to bed. You need to rest.”

“I am doing better, Light. Just having you here the last few hours has done wonders for me. I think I can handle a short visit with L.”

Light looked over at L as he said, “A short visit… And if one thing is said to upset her, I will help you quickly find the front door.”

The three of them started toward the living room. L was watching Oki as they walked. Once they rounded the corner into the living room Oki’s eyes widen, Rem stood in the center of her living room.

L’s face got a devilish grin on it as he got the correct response from Oki.

“Oki this is Rem. I am sure you two have met before.”

Light lurched at L as L backed away, Light just missed grabbing a hold of him.

“What the hell are you trying to do Ryuzaki? Why is Rem here?”

Oki looked at the two of them as she then turned back looking around the room as she said, “Oh My God I have a mess to clean up! I am sorry you two. I am usually such a good house keeper.”

She started into the living room picking up things she has left laying around the last few days from being too sick to clean.

“This is so embarrassing.” Oki mumbled to herself.

Light inwardly laughed as he watched Oki scamper around the living room. He walked over to her touching her shoulder.

“Oki it is fine, we do not mind. We know you have been too sick to keep things up and in order.”

L watched Oki as he walked over to her side. He was sure he had proven Oki was more involved in all this then he first thought.

“L, you and Light were saying something when we walked in here. What was it?”

“It was nothing Oki.” Light replies.

“But I thought I heard you guys say the name of that shinigami you told me about earlier today.” Oki asks.

Light glared at L as he said, “Yes, you did. L brought Rem with him. I am guessing he thought his prediction about you would prove right if you saw her.”

“Where is she?” Oki asks.

Light turned Oki to look at Rem, “She is right in front of you if you could see her.”

Can I see her?” Oki turned looking at L her voice inquisitive.

“No, I am sorry Oki. I do not think that would be good for your heart.” Light replies.

“Are you saying I am scary looking, Light?” Rem asks.

Oki tried hard not to smile from Rem’s question as Light looked up at Rem.

“No Rem. I do not think you are scary looking, but Oki has never seen a shinigami and she has a weak heart. I am sure the shock of seeing you would not be good for her.”

“Yes I understand.” Rem replies.

Knowing that Oki can still see her even though Light told her he would not allow her to.


After Light cleared off the small table Oki was using for a desk and moved it to the center of the room. The trio took a seat around it. Light sat next to Oki pulling her close to him.

“If you start to get tired Oki just rest against me.” Light told her.

“Thank you Light, but I should be fine.” Oki replied.

Oki then coughed softly as she looked at Light, “I would like some water if you would not mind?”

Light nodded as he got to his feet, on is way from the room he asks. “Would you like something to drink, Ryuzaki?”

“Yes thank you, water will be fine.” L told him.

Light left the room as Oki glared across the table at L.

“Well now Oki. I would have thought you would be happy to see me. However, that look in your eyes tells me different.”

“I cannot believe you brought Rem here with you L. What did you think you were going to prove by doing this?” Oki questioned.

“I have to say, I was rather glad you were not able to see Re...”

L was abruptly stopped as Oki exclaimed, “Whatever! You were hoping I could see Rem. For what purpose I do not know, but you…”

L now quickly interrupted Oki. “You’re right. I should have brought the one you call Ryuk... or is he you’re shinigami?”

Oki’s glare was still fixed on L, as she said, “Ryuk is not my shinigami.”

“But you do have one don’t you Oki?” L questioned looking at her through his unwavering eyes.

“I do not have a shinigami, L.” Oki replied.

“Then tell me how you found out my real name?”

Oki sat there looking at L for a few seconds when L replies, “I am waiting Oki.”

“Waiting for what, Ryuzaki?” Light asks walking back into the room.

L and Oki did not look Light’s way as L replied, “I was asking Oki how she was doing. After all it has been awhile since we all have had the time to hang out like this.”

“Yes, it has been sometime since we all have been together.” Oki agreed.

“I am sure there will only be a few days left for Oki to be with us…”

With a harsh placement of L’s glass of water in front of him by Light, L knew he was upset at his comment.

“Oki will be fine she just needs to rest.” Light replied in an unpleasant tone taking his seat next to Oki, “With me being so busy with the Kira case I have not been around to be with her. Now that the case is coming to a close, I have all the time in the world.”

L lifts his glass and was about to take a drink as he said, “Yes, as long as the killings do not start up again.”

L took a drink of his water as Oki looked over at him.

“L, why would the killings start again? Kira is dead from what Light told me.”

“Yes, that Kira is dead.” L set his glass down looking at Light. He then looked back at Oki, “However, Oki my dear, I still am not certain Light is not the real Kira.”

L paused looking at Light once more. “And now I have to add Oki into the equation.”

Light now even more angry lunges forward on the table.

“I told you to leave Oki out of this, L!”

L did not flinch as Light came toward him. L sighed heavily, “I wish I could Light, but Oki has shown and told me things I cannot let go unnoticed any longer. If I do I might end up dead.”

Oki chuckled as L looked back at her.

“You say that like it is a bad thing, L. At least you will be in hell with someone you know.” L gave Oki an inquiring look.

Me...” Oki told them.

“This little visit is over!” Light exclaimed getting to his feet quickly.

“But we are just getting to the fun parts, Light.” L replied.

“Get out L. I am sick of this. Get out now and do not come back here… ever!” Light exclaims.

L got slowly to his feet with a sigh. Once at a full stand L looked over at Oki.

“I will finish this with you later Oki my dear.”

Light grabbed L by his shoulder, “Not if I have my way about it!”

Light showed L to the door quickly and harshly, pushing him out the open door. Light picked up L’s shoes pitching them out next to him as the door slammed shut.

Rem was kneeling next to Oki when Light returned back to the living room.

“You better go as well or L is going to think Oki really can see you.”

Rem nodded as she looked at Oki. She set her hand on Oki’s shoulder and smiled.

“Do not worry Oki I will take care of everything.”

“I know you will Rem and thank you for what you have done and are doing.” Oki told her.

“I will be seeing you soon.” Rem said to Oki, she then faded into the nothingness of the room.

“Good Bye Rem…” Oki said in a disheartened tone.

“What was that all about?” Light asks kneeling next to Oki.

“Nothing, Rem was just telling me what was going to happen next with your plan.” Oki looked at Light as sadness filled her eyes.

“It was what she wanted Oki.” Light says.

“She is doing exactly what Ammy would do for me. Rem truly loves Misa.”

A tear found its way down Oki’s cheek as she leaned forward into Light. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close.

Why do I always seem to hurt you with my choices?” Light asks himself kissing Oki on top of her head.

Date Published
11/11/08 (Originally Created: 11/10/08)
A World of Fantasy
Death Note Fan Words
10 hugs hug
12 members Favoritefavorite
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