YuYu Hakusho Beyond! Saga I : Impending Elements tiggerola


Episode 1- Yokira’s Comeback ~ Removed for pacing, my friend came up with this line

Woman: [looks in shock then smiles half heartedly] Oh my! The three little pigs have come to pick on the big bad wolf! What’s a girl to do?

Yusuke: I suggest stop your huffing and puffing and start running weeweewee all the way home!

Yokira: In these shoes? You’ve got to be kidding! [stomps on ground]

Episode 4- Scene where Hiei Informs Mukuro About Kurama’s Siblings ~ Originally, Mukuro had won the second Demon World Tournament, but after getting my hands on Eizou Hakusho, saw how that wasn't really a reality and decided one of Raizen's freinds would be more suited for such.

[In a castle room in Demon World Hiei meets with Mukuro. Dark atmosphere, they face different directions with their backs towards each other.]

Mukuro: These siblings of Kurama’s sound…intriguing…

Hiei: Hn. “Intriguing” is about the only adjective that can describe his sister…what she did in her spare time of searching to maintain living as a human…

Mukuro: I would like to know more about them…I believe their thieving skills to be far superior to that of what Yoko’s was, considering their secretive reputation.

Hiei: From what I could gather, all six of them have committed great crimes as a pack, always leaving no clue to accuse them with. In truth, their very existence is hard to trace. Yoko broke off and started making a name for himself…which proved fatal as it caused him many enemies, one that ended up wounding him to near death before he fled to the human world.

Mukuro: They must be planning something big…I will trust Kurama to keep them in check.

Hiei: As for me?

Mukuro: You too have overheard the rumors of a brewing rebellion, yes?

[Hiei glances over at Mukuro and raises an eyebrow.]

Episode 4- Hiei Recruits Yusuke Blooper

Hiei: [raises eyebrow then shakes it off] I take it you’re in. Good. We leave immediately.

Yusuke: What, You mean right this second?

Hiei: Are you ears blind?

Episode 5- Pig Latin Blooper/Japlingish

Sukeyuay: [nudges Ehay] Eer-chay up-ay or-ay e’ll-way ell-say Ehay on E-Bay! [chuckles]

Ehay: [growls] Upid-stay ool-fay! Our-yay orse-way an-thay Uwabaka-ray!

Episode 6- Meeting Manphor ~ As funny as the Lord of the Rings reference is, only those who read the books would get it...and Yusuke said in the original series one that he doesn't read much!

[Sukeyuay sits thinking in a dead end. He hears humming and stands to face the approaching figure. A short, fat dwarf with yellow boots hops up to Sukeyuay.]

Dwarf: Hello there, are you lost?

Sukeyuay: I suppose you could put it that way…

Dwarf: Oh me, oh my! What a dilemma for you! [hops around Sukeyuay, humming]

Sukeyuay: Who are you?

Dwarf: The name is Manphor! And this is my home you have intruded upon!

Sukeyuay: So you’re Manphor…a little humming creature with big yellow boots…can I call you Tom?

Manphor: Can I call you Pippin?

Episode 7- The Final Challenge Writing Blooper

The group arrives at the base of the mound. They stand for a moment contemplating their first moves. A few start to cautiously climb up it, careful not to disturb the dragon’s slumber. Marduk walks around the base of the mound, looking at it critically. As the dragon sleeps on, other demons become bolder. And then they become boulders.

Episode 8- tid-bits of Yokira and Kurama Conversing ~ Things that were said that did not have have place or time in the final conversation.

Kurama: Remayolo’s the boss, always has been. [looks at hand] He’s worse now, since I won’t allow him to control me.
Yokira: You know when you left…it was the first time anyone ever disobeyed Remayolo.
Kurama: Still, you were able to stand against him,
Yokira: I love you, brother. I don’t want to see him causing you anguish/pain. {But a little teasing here and there is ok w/ her}
Yokira: I wish I could have gone with you…perhaps then… {you wouldn’t have been caught and fleeting to the human world}

Episode 13- Freeing Draconta Behind the Scenes ~ The episode was long enough so this was a bit of a Manga side-note in the episode draft.

[The Mermaid works on a computer unlocking crypted codes that disable sections of the barrier, undetectingly bringing it down.]

Date Published
09/13/08 (Originally Created: 09/11/08)
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