Who Keome

Chapter 14

The time had come. It was finally prom. I had tweaked my hair as best as I could and my dress fit like a glove. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was up in a bun with little curled dangles at the side of my head. My make up was a light brown for eye shadow and a light pink for lip-gloss. Black mascara, of course. And I didn’t need blush; I had the natural stuff for that.

I felt the happiest I had ever been and I felt like nothing could bring me down. This was my moment with the person I cared for the most. I bravely stepped from my room, which I had been locked in for an hour or more I’m not sure. Watanuki looked at me and nodded in approval then showed me to the door.

The limo all the girls and I had chipped into was parked outside. I opened the door to a warm greeting from all the girls in my school and sat next Kayla and Melissa. “Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to see Matt!” Kayla squealed excitedly. “I know! I wonder what Mikami will look like!” Melissa said to Kayla.

I sat there saying nothing. I was so excited I couldn’t talk. Soon enough I could hear the music pumping from the school and I realized we had come to the school. “Come on Hannah!” Melissa said pulling my arm. “Oh okay.” I said. I followed her out of the car. This was it. My moment. And I was ready.


There he was. My Lawliet was standing there awkwardly. “Lawliet!” I said. He turned and smiled. I took him in. The only thing different in his appearance was the tux he was wearing, which was slightly ruffled. I laughed. “So…” Lawliet began. “Welcome to prom Lawliet,” I said. “It’s very…” Lawliet said. “I know what you mean,” I replied. “So do you wanna dance?” Lawliet asked me. “Okay,” I said and followed his lead.

He held out his arm, which I took of course. We stepped onto the dance floor and danced a bit. Both of us didn’t know how to dance and we both stepped onto each other’s toes a bit. “You look nice by the way,” Lawliet mumbled. “You too,” I said, smiling. Melissa came to us with her date, Mikami. Mikami was the type of person who always tried to stop the fights at school, but always got beat up instead of the person he was trying to protect. I looked at Mikami who had black hair like Lawliet’s and was wearing a smoother, black tux than my Lawliet was.

“Hello,” Lawliet said to Mikami, extending his hand. Mikami shook his hand and said a hello back. Melissa and me talked for a bit then left. But just as we left each other Melissa whispered something in my ear. “Me and Mikami are going to the after-party at the hotel nearby,” She whispered mischievously. “Oh,” I said flatly. “See you Hannah!” she cried as Mikami took her away.

Some time after they had left Lawliet got some punch for me and came back. “I heard there was an after-party and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me?” Lawliet asked me casually. I stared. “Do you know what they do there Lawliet?” I whispered. “I thought it would be like this but at a hotel.” Lawliet said looking around. I shook my head. “Um…how do I explain this?” I started.

I whispered what they did reason in his ear and his eyes widened. “Oh,” Was all he said. A few hours passed and I went on for a while. We finally went outside for some fresh air. “We haven’t done a slow dance yet,” said Lawliet quietly. “Yeah we haven’t,” I mumbled. Lawliet took me in his arms and twirled me around. I sighed as I clutched his chest at the end. Lawliet smiled. My head went up and his lips crashed on mine. A few minutes passed. I let go of the kiss. We didn’t say anything.

Date Published
07/18/08 (Originally Created: 07/16/08)
My fanfic world!!!!
Death Note Fan Words
6 hugs hug
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