Angelic Rose tiggerola

Part 1: Entering the Dark Tournament

The spotlight illuminated a fish-like announcer that stood in the center of the ring in the enclosed stadium. To one side of the ring stood a group of four while on the other side was a group of five. The surrounding crowd of demons verbalized their anger of the impending cancellation of the fight due to the first team being short one member even though the opposing team insisted they would not make it to the fifth round. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei stood, waiting for Genkai's replacement to show up. Yusuke Urameshi, the team captain, had said that he had it arranged, but now there were doubts.

Juri, the announcer waved her hand as she called into her microphone, “Sakyohas taken the place of a fifth member for Team Toguro and we are still waiting for Team Urameshi or they will forfeit in five…four…three…tw”

POOF!!! A fifth being suddenly appeared next to the members of Team Urameshi stunning everyone, including Team Urameshi. She had short purple hair that framed her face with two thick locks of bangs curving around her big, blue eyes. She looked around, taking in the scene.

“Where the world did you come from?” bellowed a dumbfounded Kuwabara.

“Uhhh…never mind!” the girl defended nervously.

“Who are you?” Yusuke questioned.

“Eh, Leilani,” she replied.

Juri then announced over the loudspeakers, “Well, now that both teams have five fighters, we can finally start the finals!”

“Wait!” shouted the new member of Team Urameshi, “I can’t fight!”

“Then what are you doing here?” interrogated Hiei.

Koto, the cat-demon host for the event broadcast, observed from the bleachers, “Team Urameshi at last has a fifth member, but she wishes to back out which if she does will result in one point automatically for Team Toguro!”

“No!” screamed the girl as she climbed on stage, running towards Juri and covered the microphone. She pulled out a wallet to show to Juri something and whispered to her. Hiei could spot the glimmer of what looked like a badge in what Leilani was concealing.

Juri then proclaimed to the stadium, “Leilani here is on secret official business and has a right to be down in the arena as the semi-finals occur without herself being a contestant!”

“SHHHH! That’s supposed to be a secret!” exclaimed Leilani.

Being the tournament expert, Koto wasn’t sure about Leilani’s business so Leilani had to jump over to her and show her the proof with the warning that if there were any problems, then she would have to report it to her superiors. After that mess was cleared up and Leilani returned to the arena floor, Juri realized that Team Urameshi was way overdue in producing their other fighting member and announced that they would forfeit.

“Hold your horses, I’m right here!” hollered Koenma in his stud-muffin adult form, leaning against the pillar by his team’s entrance, "Patience is a virtue, but unfortunately my dry ice finished evaporating while I was the one who had to wait."

Koenma pushed himself up from leaning and strutted to the other team members. They had a short conversation while Juri finished reading off the rules of the Dark Tournament Finals. Instead of listening, Leilani conversed with a small flying robot with a screen that had been attached to her belt beforehand. On the screen was the image of Bob, who appeared to be working on a computer and observing data.

“That was very inconspicuous, Bob!” Leilani rolled her eyes sarcastically.

“Hey, it worked out all right,” replied the voice emitting from the robot.

“Ha! Now my cover’s been blown!” she huffed

“Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to do your job,” Bob replied through the robot.

“Yeah, with everyone watching me, wondering what sort of secret business I’m on,” Leilani mumbled.

“You need to be down there later. Trust me, just sit and enjoy the fight,” Bob informed.

“Fight, huh? Just like the world martial arts tournament in DBZ?” Leilani wondered.

She looked up and saw that Kurama had taken the stage against Karasu. Juri counted off the fight to begin. Kurama caused flower petals to swirl around him. Karasu walked straight into them, unaffected. The petals started to spontaneously combust and the fighters started their methods of attacking and Dodging. Leilani was repulsed as she heard Koto scream that she wanted to see blood in this battle. Still, she inched over towards Team Urameshi as the fight ensued.

“So is this a basic tournament where the object is to either throw your opponent out of the ring, knock him out for 10 seconds, or cause him to surrender?” Leilani whispered.

“Those are ways to win,” stated Hiei, absorbed in the battle, “but the object is to kill your opponent!”

Date Published
08/26/09 (Originally Created: 07/21/09)
The Library
Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Words
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