elricbrothersfan (Fan Art Portfolio) Pressure Limbo

Pressure Limbo
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My heart aches with worry. Worry and pain.

I've been doing my best to take care of my dad, and he's slowly getting better. But because of his sudden illness, I had to cancel my small birthday party.

My head knows that it's more important for me to care for my dad than it is to go see a movie and hang out with my friends, but my heart can't help but feel a little bitter.

Does that make me a selfish person?

I don't know. But what I do know is that, as much as I've been worrying about my dad, I've lost the motivation to do the things I need to do, like study for quizzes and tests.

I barely got any sleep last night, and what little I did was ruined by the fact that I overslept this morning. It pretty much went downhill from there.

Now, I find myself mired in limbo. There are things I want to do, and things I need to do, but neither are things I'm actually doing. And the pressure is starting to get to me.

This isn't me asking for pity; it's self-therapy, a way to get the hurt out instead of bottling it up and making myself worse.

Pen on sketchbook, watermark added digitally. I was too lazy to get out my tablet so I just used the text menu.

Art (c) elricbrothersfan (me)

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