Ryuchu (Fan Art Portfolio) The Boy That Gazes at the Stars; The Girl That Stares at the Ground

The Boy That Gazes at the Stars; The Girl That Stares at the Ground
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Plot Synopsis:
Allen has always idealized the lifestyle of the street musician; living off the little that can be scrounged together through your art and being free to travel wherever the music takes you. So not long after he turns 18, he informs his parents that he's moving out and he's going to live in the city of Chicago and be a street performer. There's only two problems with this plan: he has almost no money and spend the last of his funds to purchase the train ticket to the city and a guitar and he has no idea how to play a musical instrument. With no money and no place to stay, he eventually passes out in an alleyway. When he wakes up the next morning, he finds himself in an apartment with an odd girl that simply introduces herself as Rauch. Due to the meddling of a friend, the two of them strike a shaky agreement; Rauch will allow Allen to stay in her apartment if he agrees to clean it and be her guinea pig for all the techniques she learns in her cosmetology classes. Allen, now named Kind thanks to Rauch, readily agrees and can't believe his stroke of good luck. But as he begins to uncover a dark secret, he finds that luck and time may not be on his, or Rauch's, side.

Long plot synopsis is long.
Also, the story at this point doesn't have a title...any suggestions? :)

I'll try to make my character profiles briefer...

Name: Allen Joshua Felix
Nickname: Kind (pronounced K-inn-d; it means "Child" in German)
Hair Color: Naturally brown; currently blue with extensions thanks to Rauch
Age: 18
Family: Father and Mother
Personality: Quick-tempered, Impulsive, Hard Headed, Opinionated, Bit of a dreamer
Other: He never really plans out his life, but once he has an idea in his head, there's no stopping him. He's a huge fanboy of street performers and wants to emulate them even though he can't play an instrument. He tends to get very angry with Rauch's uncaring attitude about life in general.

Name: Amanda Marie Gottlieb
Nickname: Rauch (It's the only name she'll tell people; also it means "Smoke" in German)
Hair Color: Naturally blonde; Currently red with 2 white stripes in the front
Age: 20
Family: Mother and Father - She lives in an apartment of her own currently
Personality: Apathetic, Quiet, Uncaring
Other: Rauch is very quiet about herself and will rarely speak about her past. She only comments when needed and she has little interest in actually doing anything to improve her life. She is current going to school and studying cosmetology (she's also learning German, so that's why her's and Kind's nicknames are German).

I could have written a lot more for them...but if you want to see their further profiles, I'm sure I'll post it up somewhere eventually...

Anyways, this story has been in my head for a long time and it's nice to actually finish a picture with the two main characters in it and display it for the wonderful world of the interwebz. :)

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Kind, Not much else, Original Story, Rauch
11 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
swizzledhazelnut ferdelance618 Eiri Yuki s Lover VivaLaParadise KeybladeMewKasa Blood Moon Wolf moonlit dream
Member Dedication
The Protagonist.
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