Chel the Bell (Fan Art Portfolio) FailDump

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*SOBSOB* I was gonna dumb all the crap I'm too embarrassed to show by themselves only to realize I don't even have that much... *sobsob*

But here's what I have. Stuff from Jan-Now.

Uh at the top is space-filling power lines. WOO~

Then next to it is a picture I actually like, But I've completely forgotten how to colour... so it remains unfinished. It's a cover for a comic idea I had. About a boy delivering mail on Mars... LOL based on an older character with the same job... I was gonna call it "You Got Mail!" because I'm cliche like that. My brother suggested RedInk, which I like better... TOO BAD IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN *SOBSOBSUCHAFAILUREPLZ*

Uh a picture I did the other day 'cause I was bored... nothing to see here...

OH YEAH. Some expression from that ol' 25 expressions meme. KOZAI AND CORNELIOUS STYLE. Because them girls are my favourite. I like Kozai's pleased face and Cornelious' shocked face. The rest aren't so good.

UH Red girl I drew in MS Paint... MS Paint needs some love guys...

And the second newest picture (LOL the newest being the space-filler). IDK was doodling and was like "LOL some boy/girl... gonna call you Chris...Chris likes giraffes.... SO MANY GIRAFFES... how do you draw a giraffe... REFS ARE FOR LOSERS... okay one Giraffe... on his/her shirt! YEAH!" And then I quickly coloured it. I only like the Giraffe and it's not even very good... I'm starting to doubt that Giraffe is the right word...

LOL in the You Got Mail picture it looks like he's holding chopsticks...

Personal Fan Art
doodles, dump, etc., Fail, three months
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3 members Favoritefavorite
imouto chan Wakusei Aoshi pilar
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