SaxGirl (Fan Art Portfolio) Rebirthing - Awake and alive

Rebirthing - Awake and alive

This drawing is inspired by 2 different songs by Skillet, 'Rebirthing' and 'Awake and alive'. They're awesome songs with beautiful messages - did I mention they're a Christian Hard Rock band? I love their music almost as much as Within Temptation's, and that's definitely saying something:P *gets mad at lack of Skillet category* x3

Here are links to both songs on YouTube, with the lyrics<333
Awake and alive
(I didn't wanna put the lyrics of both songs in the description, lolXD)
I hope you can see why I came up with this after listening to those songs:3

So... I used some different techniques again:) I started by sketching a stick figure, for a changeXD Normally I just start with the outlines and see where it ends...x3 But that didn't work so well because the proportions were always really off - I think that's not so bad now at leastX) I did have some difficulties with the pose though, and that's just about the only thing I'm not very happy with... She's supposed to be lying on the ground._. But well, maybe she is, or maybe she's floating around in the air, or walking...on a hill...XD Idk, you say itx3

More technical descriptions: Lots of use of opacity, yup:) Obviously for the clothes...:P (I wanted the clothes to look like this, all see-through and flowy, because of the rebirth - Idk but I don't think that made sense...x3) And the white heart-thingy in the background, which consists of three layers...^^ Plus I used a little texture to get that glittery effect:3 (And oh look, folds in the fabric!xD)

Done in: PS 6.0 with pen tablet
Time taken: 3 hours + about 1 for finishing touches, so about 4 hours in all^^
Layers: 17 (that includes background, excludes about 3 I deleted later)
Dedicated to: Kakashisgf (because I think you'd like this music and the messages in it:3 and because you're a good friend^^)


Other Music Fan Art
awake and alive, christian hardrock, faith, heart, inspiration, kakashisgf, love, music, purple, radiance, rebirthing, red, saxgirl, shine, skillet
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Kakashisgf ecnelisterger Apocalypse92
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