kisskiss-bangbang (Fan Art Portfolio) Hanging Tree

Hanging Tree
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" 'Round the hanging tree swaying in the breeze, in the summer sun as we two on one, swaaaaaaaaaaying~ "

As you can tell I was blasting Hanging Tree by the Queens of the Stone Age for almost the entire time that i was colouring this image. I love that song. I have no idea why but I do. Great beat- rocking guitare solo? Whatever it is I like to think that it suits this image very well.

I have some weird sort of creepy attraction to mega skinny people. Not in like a sexaul way or anything; not even in a 'I-think-they're-pretty' kind of way. But in a strange art kinda way. And I don't mean thin people. I mean deathly sickly ill skinny. It just appeals to me. I love drawing them and some drawing some people have done of them are amazing. I think I've really lost it with THAT piece of information there. Me and my love of freakishly think people.

Although I have to say I do not support starving to lose weight, or any kinda of negitive self-image ideas. I think you have to be happy in your own skin and although its a hard road to travel until your there its well worth it. And making yourself thin to the piont of unhealthyness or taking pills is not the way to be happy with yourself and yoru body image. That being said? I just can't help but draw people like that.

Such a freak.

Anyway drawing time was around two days and over twelve(12) hours of work. The colours only took around an half an hour to an hour but it was well worth it. I took a diffrent style to colouring becuase of the diffrent style of drawing that I did. I kinda like how it turned out. I dought that we will see any more like this though- no more secret fetishes! I think I like creeped a bunch of people out enough already.

I hope that you like this unique piece! And well that you aren't creeped out by my general freakish nature and my love of deathly skinny people. I even scare myself sometimes.

Comments, critiques, and flames welcome!

Personal Fan Art
attration, cloths, colour, death, disease, girl, hair, messy, red, scribble, skinny
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