Tamster224 (Fan Art Portfolio) Otaku Battle Royal - [Tamster224]

Otaku Battle Royal - [Tamster224]
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I had fun designing this, I might draw it up again in a different picture. Alright! Now for a super, super long explanation. XD Pffft. You don't have to read it.

You can't really see much of it, but it really only consists of a skirt and a top. At home, I don't really dress to impress, so it's really only casual. Though I wear socks at home. XD
But anyways! This would be useful in battle, cause they're easy to move in, not that I'd be moving around much. XD
As for hair, I don't really like to tie it up, but I have to clip my fringe back a bit cause it gets in my eyes. In battle, that would be bad if that happened. XD
Because I'd fall of Mr. Table alot, it wouldn't really matter cause i'm flat-chested, so I can run REALLY fast back to my table. XD


All my weapons can correspond with each other. XD

Super-Speedy-Singing-Kiwi-Green-Table-Top (a.k.a Mr.Table.)

Because I'm lazy, my table are my legs! A bit about the table first...
Mr. Table can do anything! He's voice controlled. It's actually a mix of my green table that I use (I was kicked out of the kitchen XD) and my laptop. They got mixed together. The top of the table is like a screen. :'D So the table top is useful, I can still surf the internet and via it I can click, drag and edit thing into reality! (Like grabbing a snack if get hungry.) Also, I can still draw in it because I would have normal access to my programs, so I can draw digitally. (I am a digital artist afterall.)
Ah, right, I would sit on it, but cause it's a slippery surface I end up falling of all the time. XD That's one weakness, I suppose.

Wacom and Pen

So I can draw on my table top, of course! Useful for drawing up upgrades for Mr.Table and Sparky, and writing in lasting commands for Mr. Table. (Like attack commands such as BLOW FIRE AND BURN THEM MOO HA HA HA.) Also, the wacom pen can change size so I can whack enemies with it of they get to close. The pens attached to the wacom, so if I fall of, I just have to hold onto the pen to get back!


My memory stick. Recent crashings of my computers has taught me to backup my files. Sparky is pretty much on the offensive, he electrocutes practically everyone. He spends most of his time wrapped around the Mr. Table, but he can hover and he's useful if I want to do a tag team with Mr. Table, I can just hop onto Sparky.


I love listening to music whilst drawing. So naturally it would play songs as I battled enemies. Because it works with Mr. Table, Mr. Table can sing at the frequecy of the song and create a sound forcefield which could only be broken if the frequency is matched. Pfft, it's the only proper form of defense, so I'd try to kill the enemy as fast as I can. XD

...Half of what I typed doesn't make sense. XD I hope I didn't really miss out anything.

Basically the best way to beat me would to separate me from Mr.Table and Sparky and get me before I ran back to them or called for help. But I'm pretty heavy on the offensive so it would be kinda hard to get through.

Blehhh. So much writing, and I don't really think people would read it. XD
Art and Concept belongs to Tamster224

Personal Fan Art
otaku battle royal, tamster224
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