
Well, guys, I haven't been drawing recently...

And I don't see any new drawings too near in the future...I'm entirely too stressed, and I'm starting to become fully emotionally drained by TWO STUPID FUCKING PEOPLE...One of them, I love and always will.
The other is such a little teenage bitch that I've taken the time to make random compilations of her name mixed with cuss words...

Rigth now, I have this uncontrollable urge to just bawl for hours...then crawl up into a ball and let myself just die slowly. Just. Rot away in a little ball on my floor.

The only joy I find as of recent is when I'm with friends or when I'm RPing using my Hetalia OC...may I just say, if Veneziano were real and he were here, I'd be with HIM instead of pining over this FUCKING FOOL! *sigh*

Anyway...sorry guys, but you'll have to be as patient as you can be and wait for new art...I'll try and do more when I'm not in such a slump...


New obsession...?

Well, my peoples.
Tsumi has a new obsession...and new art on the way!!!

I created my own character for the Jeff the Killer Creepypasta, which has actually become my new obsession...
And I actually need someone to help me with my RP for my character becoming involved with Jeff the Killer! Her name is Mina!
I decided that by the time they finally become involved with each other officially, so like...working together...they will be young adults. Cause a passionate thing would be odd if it involved a 13 year old insane boy and an 18 year old insane girl. XD
Mina is a young adult, barely eighteen. She has long white hair that comes down to her thighs, and a section of bangs covers her right eye. Both of her eyes are a bright green that almost seems to glow in the dark. They become a dark shade of grey when she is upset in any way (anger, sadness, frustration, etc.). Her skin is almost unnaturally pale from not going outside much due to being teased about her seemingly timid nature and her strange hair color which, as luck would have it, is natural. Being somewhat of a mix between "emo" and "goth", she wears dark clothing, mostly corsets with skinny jeans, fishnets, half sleeves for her hands, and black combat boots. People call her "Vampire Girl" due to the form of her incisors, which are curved into a sharp shape, but not as sharp as they seem despite how they look.
Mina starts off as a normal girl who is quite used to being bullied, and thus she stays quiet most of the time, until she meets Jeff and Liu. Liu manages to coax her out of her shell at school, but Mina very secretly wishes to become closer to Jeff, at first only as a friend, until she finds out that her boyfriend, living only a block away, is cheating on her. At this point, she begins to feel as though someone is speaking to her from within, and she goes to an orthadontist to have her incisors permanently sharpened.
Shortly after, she finds out that Jeff has been hospitalized due to the fire, and she visits him. The day his bandages are removed, she stares at him, completely unphased...somewhat entranced. To Mina, Jeff looks even more admirable than before. The night that Jeff murders his family, Mina sneaks to her boyfriend's house while he is with the "other girl". Mina cuts the power to his home, making it easier for her to get in and hide in different places. She kills off his mistress while she goes to try and find the source of the power outage, and steals her heart from her chest cavity. Next, she kills her boyfriend, shoving a large cutting knife into his chest. She whispers, "It's time to take your heart for keeps, my love," and forcefully cuts out his heart, bites into it, and kisses him one last time. When Mina exits his home again, walking in the shadows, she sees Jeff, who stops to watch her. She stares back before noticing that he, too, has just had a fresh kill of his own...She admires his new, beautiful face, and smiles in his direction, her mouth covered in the blood of her now dead boyfriend's heart...

So yeah!!! That's where the RP starts. :D Anywho...I'm looking for someone to play Jeff. Any takers? XD

Tsumi Swears She's An Idiot...

Well guys, same old shit as usual. Here I am, once again back in a relationship with Yuki. >.> Well, somewhat. I'm sort of weighing out the pros and cons of him and this moment. So...I'm not quite tied down to either one, but...still. Yuki has had most of my time recently...ugh.
Tsumi is 'tarded. End of story.

Gomen nasai!!!!

My most sincere apologies to my fellow Otakus...

I had thought I'd be able to update my art more frequently, but...I was wrong. So very wrong. TT^TT

I'm sorry!!! *bows*

But I promise I'll try to upload more as soon as I'm able to!! Especially since I've been drawing...drumroll please...DEATH THE KID!!! <3
In fact, I've become so obsessed with Kid that I may actually be developing asymmetriphobia. O_O

Anyway, though.....please be patient with me until then!!! <3

Anyone Ever Do This?


I just gotta...have any of my fellow TheO's ever fallen in love with someone without realizing it? O.o

I ask occurred to me the other day...that it happened to me. <3