Robin Young

Full Name: Robin Alice Young

Gender: female

Age: 14

Character type: The Easy-goer

Style: Casual and Comfy

Favorites: playing sports, spending time with her mom, eating food

Likes: sports, drawing, daydreaming

Dislikes: school, bugs, fire, bullies

Pet peeves: people who walk slow in the hallway, the sound of a fork scraping on a plate

Hometown: Thorliskali

Relatives: Mother Ana Young, Father Robert Young

Sports, hobbies, etc.: basketball,works in her mom's store

Extra info: she is tone deaf and she was born with black hair but dyed it white.

Bio/summary: She spent most of her life in Thoriskali but moved away when her parents got divorced only to come back when her father was sent to prison. She shares her mother's house with her mom's friend Freya who treats Robin more like an animal than a person but despite that she lives life without a care in the world.
