

I was walking along, going back to my usual spot in an empty lot, when I felt something unusual spike up in my senses. There were biju around... but there were also the guys that love to steal my stuff so that they can bug the hell out of me.

Getting back to the empty lot, I found my bag still hidden in the hole I dug a few days ago, but I couldn't find my mother's necklace. Great. So the boys stole that this time? Hell, they're in for it.

Grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, something, like an envelope or something, fell out of it. It didn't look familiar or anything. There was just something... off about it. I picked it up off the ground and just looked at it. It was written in messy handwriting of what seemed to be cursive, or to the best ability of it, and all I could tell was that it was to be delivered to the leader of a "Biju Club". It did say that on the front anyways. It was to a 'Kyuubi' or something of the sort.

I just slid it back into my bag as I heard quick footsteps surrounding me.

"Meeko, guess we we got!" One of the men exclaimed as the men appeared I cracked my knuckles. These men loved to piss me off... they knew what they were in for.

Sensing the man to my left had my necklace, I quickly phased to behind him and kicked him the back and legs. I grabbed my necklace quickly when they all moved in to fight, but within a few minutes, I was throwing a few punches and a man got kicked into a pile of wood, which caused quite the loud explosion.

Punching a few more out, I quickly finished up and noticed somebody running towards. I immediately started to fight him, but he was dodging all of my hits, and I was only able to graze his arm.

“Hey hey hey! Can you stop attacking me??? I’m not the enemy!” I continued to attack. “Like I was saying, I’m not the enemy!” He was able to stop me and that's when I noticed he was a biju and let go before he was able to throw an electrical attack at me. I was thankful even to hear him completely because of me being deaf in one ear.

“So you too are a biju?” I asked him as I backed a few steps and he looked at me.

I wasn't much of a talking person, but if I had a reason, I had a reason. It wasn't hard to change attitudes either. I was still unsure about talking to this guy. Last guy I met that was a biju started a fight with me. It wasn't pretty the next day.

“Yes, can you tell?” I nodded and he continued, from what I could tell in his eyes, was worrying about his arm. Crap.

“…Sorry about that…” I told and he just looked at me.

“It’s fine… Anyway why were you being chased?” Huh. I hadn't really realized that I had been being chased. Guess I got used to it by now.

I kept a straight face. I wasn't really in the mood, but I made myself clam down a little so that I could talk to this guy. I didn't really care what I looked like at the moment. I was just used to living on the streets and not giving a care.

“They took something precious to me and so I had to do something; when I got my object back they began to chase me…..Well that doesn’t matter anymore, I was looking for you,” I said and he looked at me suspiciously. Well, I did have to find that leader... and it seemed like he was one to know, I hope.

“Well not you but I’m guessing you are part of a club called The biju club?” I asked him and there was an automatic nod. “Someone gave me this letter and told me to hand it to the leader of that club…” I left off and he just nodded slightly. I didn't care if I looked like I couldn't be trusted. I was like that. You can't trust anybody in the world anymore...

“How can I prove I can trust you?”

“You can’t,” I said quickly as I looked away. Something threw me off about this guy but I couldn't name it. Not really. And I knew I couldn't be trusted. Anybody who did trust me usually got hurt or killed. I wasn't the person to be around.

“Would you like to come with me to pay a visit?” I looked at him, confused. What was he talking about really? I guess he did know the leader of this 'Biju Club.'

I followed him, still un-trusting, but followed anyways to where I sensed another biju in the midst. She seemed like his girlfriend or something. We all then started to head towards a house where I immediately sensed loads of biju before we even got there. That's either really a perk or a downfall of being a raccoon biju. It really messes up your senses. There was also an chaotic atmosphere to everything too.

A girl exited the house as we got there and went up to the guy.

“Oh Hi, Raijuu-kun, How are you?” The girl asked the guy, my best guess his name being Raijuu.

“Is everything all right, Chiyoko-chan?” Raijuu asked and the girl named Chiyoko looked unsettled a little.

“..not really, you see, Shukaku suddenly disappeared this morning and Yuri-chan is having a very bad time…not to mention that Onii-san is trying his best to keep things calmed for Suki’s sake…you know for the baby?” The name Shukaku sounded familiar... and so did Chiyoko and Kyuubi now... though I couldn't recall where they were heard from before.

“What color is it?” The girl asked me and Raijuu looked over at me.

“What color is, is what?” Raijuu asked, confused and Chiyoko smiled.

“The envelope of the letter,” Chiyoko said and I held up the letter to show that it was yellow.

“Cool, it seems everyone is getting different colors!” All three of us had the same, confused look. “You’re not the first ones that arrive; everyone else is in the backyard so why don’t you go there and wait till Nii-san calms things out?” We all nodded and started to head to the backyard of the house.

“What’s your name?” The girl that seemed to be Raijuu's girlfriend asked me and I looked at her.

“…Meeko…” I told her and she smiled a little.


“Raijuu,” Raijuu joined in and his emotions were mixed as he thought.

“ne Meeko, do you happen to know what is inside of this envelope?” Raijuu asked me and I shook my head and held the envelope in my hand. There was a huge mixture of emotions all around me, which through me off even more.

Then Raijuu was attacked by a friend of his and a guy blew in the door to the house with an RPG. Interesting way of making an entrance...

Some people started to talk around me and that's when I noticed the guy with the RPG had a food emotion to him as he looked around. Newbies... that was part of his food diet, apparently.

Kokoro was looking at all of the excitement and Raijuu doing the same and I just scooted a little to the side and tightened my ribbons on my wrists with my teeth and fingers. Nothing seemed really out of the ordinary, except the feeling of some anger or out of placement in myself.

Being, I think, a raccoon biju was sometimes hard... especially with the conflicting senses and emotions filling your own.
Hope that was okay ^^ Anybody can interact with Meeko if they want ^^

~Anime-chan and Meeko
