Hi I'm Dranzerstorm
You may remember me as a regular contestant on the caption battle contest.
Welcome to Retro Retrospective, my world dedicated to the old guard of the Otaku world; expect some reviews of the old & obscure, and in-depth geeky knowledge with the occasional top ten and I now have a logo.

Little info about me
Well I'm British and I'm in to all things animated and nostalgia.
I've grown up with every cartoon going and have watched hundreds of anime.
Oh and to answer a question I was asked once, no I don't wear glasses in real life, I would wear Loke's sunglasses though.

Cartoon Vault: Swan Princess

Now for a classic in the Swan Princess.

A prince and a princess of neighbouring Kingdoms meet up every summer in an effort to fall in love with each other to unite the Kingdoms, only they don't get along during the time of the opening musical number right to the end of their childhoods. Puberty hits and they do fall in love. Only Prince Derek lost some brain cells as he can't think of any other quality than beauty as to why he should marry Princess Odette. Odette rejects Derek only to get ambushed by the evil sorcerer Rothbart who curses Odette to transform into a swan and can only return to normal in the Moonlight of Swan Lake.
After befriending some animals Odette must find a way to escape while Derek refusing to believe Odette had been killed by a great beast tries to find Odette himself with his best friend in which he succeeds after some mistakes but Rothbart has a backup plan in disguising his henchwoman as Odette with his magic as the only way to break Odette's spell is a vow of everlasting love which fails as Derek declares his love for the disguised henchwoman. After a final battle with Rothbart, the spell is broken and happy endings for all.
They tried so hard to make a Disney style film that it's almost plagiarism, but apart from the beginning the rest is ridiculously cheesy and over the top to the point where the film is a slow motion trainwreck, but saying that, it's so ridiculous that it's also very fun, made even funnier when Derek becomes the Prince from Enchanted with all the over the top declarations and speeches, this coming from a child who previously hated Odette; that's puberty for you.
After Swan Princess were sequels, bad sequels, coming up to today there are 5 sequels and a 6th one in production, someone thought it did better than it really did.

Bottom 25 Gundam Pilots

Now for the worst pilots, same criteria.

25. Riddhe Marcenas from Gundam Unicorn
He didn't need to kill Marida Cruz and the whole Newtype hating is getting old now.

24. Gyunei Guss from Char's Counterattack
Sounds like he's called goose, also fairly underwhelming for a member of Char's team.

23. Trowa Barton from Gundam Wing
Anyone can pilot Heavyarms, nothing but guns and missiles standing still with an occassional army knife.

22. Kou Uraki from Stardust Memory
GATO!!!! GATO!!!! Shut up!!!!

21. Rosamia Badam from Zeta Gundam
Psycho Gundam pilot, very forgettable.

20. Elle Viano from ZZ Gundam
Of the Double Zeta crowd she's the most underwhelming, at least Beecha Oleg had some leadership qualities.

19. M'Quve from Gundam
The Gyan was a fine machine, pity he cared more for a stupid vase than his own life.

18. Emma Sheen from Zeta Gundam
Started in the Titans and had the sense to leave but never really improved as a character.

17. Gentle Chapman from G Gundam
He's meant to be a multiple Gundam Fight Champion but he's so underwhelming as a threat.

16. Slegger Law from Gundam
Never been a fan of the whole cowboy dandy style character who's ready for cannon fodder, any wonder no one remembers him.

15.Glemy Toto from ZZ Gundam
Had some guts to challenge Haman Karn but is really weak compared to other characters in Neo Zeon such as Cello and Haman that many of his challenges are forgettable.

14. Shinn Asuka from Gundam Seed Destiny
Undeserving of the Gundam Destiny and in dire need of a punch to the face.

13. Four Murasame from Zeta Gundam
Psycho Gundam is very unforgiving to it's pilots and the whole going insane Cyber Newtype trait got old very quick.

12. Katz Kobayashi from Zeta Gundam
Completely unsuited for combat and deserved his death in the end.

11. Yzak Joule from Gundam Seed
Spent a good portion of the series crying over a cut to his face, Dilandau he isn't.

10. George De Sand from G Gundam
A poor imitation of the funnels from the Qubeley really doesn't do this Gundam justice and is the most underwhelming of the Shuffle Alliance.

9. Jerid Messa from Zeta Gundam
I kind of feel slightly bad for Jerid always losing but in the end he brought it on himself for being a Titan.

8. Hallelujah Haptism from Gundam 00
The dumbest name ever to be used in Gundam and not even a likeable character.

7. Lalah Sune from Gundam
Got dragged into the whole One Year War because she had newtype powers and died pretty quickly and cheaply.

6. Kamille Bidan from Zeta Gundam
He could've avoided much of his misfortune, the loss of life and the many disasters that befell him if he wasn't so butthurt over someone making fun of his name. Real hero Kamille, real hero. *Sarcastic clapping*

5. Quess Paraya from Char's Counterattack
Poor substitute of all previous Psycho Gundam pilots Lalah Sune and Elpeo Purus. Worst of the lot.

4. Hathaway Noa from Char's Counterattack
Joins the battle and kills Chan Agi in a rage. Only sortie and you kill your ally. Dumbass!

3. Graham Aker from Gundam 00
Started as a reasonable rival character to Setsuna only to turn into the world's worst Char Clone with a dopey name like Mr Bushido. Not helped by a dreadful Mobile Suit Design.

2. Reccoa Londe from Zeta Gundam
Joined the Titans by choice from the AEUG.......Considering their terrible history why?!?!? Was Scirocco really that appealing? Terrible life choice there.

1. Garrod Ran from Gundam X
A friend of mine responded to Gundam X like this. "What's a Gundam X?" That's kind of the reason why he's number one. No one really cares for Gundam X, Garrod Ran as a character himself isn't really the best either, he's full of himself and doesn't have a great voice. He's meant to be a lead character as well.

Top 25 Gundam Pilots

Gundam is a massive franchise but who comes out top of the pilot standings? This big list will give you the answer.
Couple of rules, no Gundam Build Fighters as that isn't a real war, more upgraded Angelic Layer. This list will also feature 25 pilots not 10; and finally this is based on pilot achievements, impact on their series and degree of difficulty in which their Mobile Suit is used. You'll see when we begin.

25. Gym Ghingham from Turn A Gundam
The manliest character you'll ever see in the Gundam franchise and one of the few built to house the Musha Gundam outside the main series. He can even use G Gundam moves.

24. Mashymre Cello from Gundam ZZ
For an early antogonist he proves to be a damn sight more likeable than those before him and considering who he hangs around with it's no surprise that he's become one of the more standout characters in ZZ.

23. Elpeo Puru 2 from Gundam ZZ
All the Puru's have a unique feel to them but more on the other two later, Elpeo Puru 2 has bigger toys to play with but not as likeable as the other Purus.

22. Mu La Flaga from Gundam Seed
Despite only flying a mobile armor he manages to live well beyond the life expectancy of other pilots in the show, he also somehow survives impossible odds, although I don't think much of his Destiny incarnation.

21. Lockon Stratos from Gundam 00
He's the leader of the Gundam Meisters and there's more than one of him as his twin brother shares the title, despite no pilot being especially noteworthy Lockon manages to standout.

20. Roux Louka from Gundam ZZ
A more than worthy replacement for the dreadful Kamille Bidan in Zeta Gundam but largely overlooked as a character, did better in the Dynasty Warriors Gundam games.

19. Shiro Amada from 08th MS Team
Being the leader of a ragtag band of pilots isn't easy, especially in what is considered the Halo Reach of Gundam. His story alongside Zeon member Aina, easily makes for one of Gundam's most grey conflicts to date.

18. Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing
I don't rate the Gundam Wing pilots highly but at least Heero acts more of a pilot than the others, mainly because the Wing Gundam doesn't feel gimicky compared to the other Gundams.

17. Domon Kasshu from G Gundam
You got to give credit to G Gundam for at least attempting to seem like a capable Gundam series but yet still remain completely bonkers with the whole Burning Finger nonsense.

16. Yazan Gable from Zeta Gundam
Yazan is despicable, sexist and has killed more named characters than anyone else in the whole of the franchise, that's why he's such a good pilot and really earns the creator tagline of kill em all.

15. Kira Yamato from Gundam Seed
While controlling some of the most impressive looking Gundam's to date, he really makes a name for himself for being able to stop himself from killing his enemies, even if it sometimes causes more pain.

14. Io Fleming from Gundam Thunderbolt
Anyone who has the soundtrack of jazz in his cockpit is worth a mention, but his heroics really earn his position on this list as even when his first Mobile Suit goes he's more than capable of getting more.

13. Ramba Ral from Gundam
The first major threat of the Gundam series and one that makes you think that there's more to Zeon than just being evil. Right up until his death he proves to be formidable as even his suicide manages to bring damage to the Gundam.

12. Dozle Zabi from Gundam
Even a Zabi has some pride and not only was Dozle an absolute beast to take down in the Big Zam, he did it while evacuating his closest family, and likely the one who created the scenario of Gundam ZZ by sending Minerva to Haman Karn.

11. Elpeo Puru from Gundam ZZ
Cyber Newtypes got such a bad rap in the franchise but Elpeo Puru actually manages to be upbeat and powerful at the same time and is one of the few that can really bring out the silly sides of other Gundam pilots in the franchise with her hilarious dialogue in Dynasty Warriors Gundam.

10. Paptimus Scirocco from Zeta Gundam
As despicable as the Titans were, Scirocco remolded them into a credible threat and right up until the end was more than enough to finish the job against Kamille Bidan.

9. Amuro Ray from Gundam
As the first ever Gundam pilot, Amuro has more than enough honors to make him a great pilot but the first Gundam hasn't aged particularly well and his achievements are far overshadowed by those after him.

8. Loran Cehack from Turn a Gundam
Probably the only Gundam Pilot to be capable of battling in a formal ball gown and ultimately get away with crossdressing through out the series.

7. Athrun Zala from Gundam Seed
In contrast to other pilots, Athrun has defeated both KIra Yamato and Shinn Asuka, also punching Shinn several times doing what everyone wanted to do for all of Destiny.

6. Zechs Marquise from Gundam Wing
Piloting the unstable Tallgeese followed by one of the most well designed Gundam's in the franchise Epyon, is no mean feat and backed up by defeating all the other Gundam pilots and forcing a draw against protagonist Heero Yuy.

5. Master Asia from G Gundam
The undefeated of the East is bonkers to watch, he doesn't use a mobile trace system is the only one to beat a mobile suit with his bare hands and even being the enemy he was never once affected by the Dark Gundam. Worthy of being Super Asia!!!

4. Marida Cruz from Gundam Unicorn
Marida's past is tragic, a surviving member of the Elpeo Puru's awakened by Glemy Toto, forced to fight her clones, sold into sex slavery and then brought into the cockpit of the Kshatriya, a Quin Mantha on steroids which was already a Qubeley on steroids and being able to pilot that to begin with is worthy of any list.

3. Char Aznable from Gundam
Char made a character type that survives to this day as every masked ace pilot shares his character DNA. He will always be the series character mascot, more so than Amuro Ray.

2. Judau Ashta from Gundam ZZ
I would overlook Judau normally; he's not much better than Kamille but at least more pleasent to watch, however he earns massive praise for survivng the Universal Century well into his old age in a crippled Double Zeta Gundam, that takes guts in a series known for killing them all.

1. Haman Karn from Gundam ZZ
But the best pilot of all is Haman Karn. She kick started events off screen in Gundam to save Minerva Zabi, played the 3rd faction in bringing the end to the Gryps 2 conflict, defeated Char Aznable, kick started the events of Double Zeta and even ended her life drawing her battle against Judau Ashta. Haman has contributed more to the Universal Century's story than any other character and went out in style, that's why she's the best pilot in Gundam history. If you want more proof, in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 she managed to hold her own against the pressure of both Judau Ashta and Kamile Bidan and has held her own against Gundam Epyon. Need more proof? I can go on.

Cartoon Vault: Beauty and the Beast

Since it just came out as a live action film how does the original 90s Beauty and the Beast compare.

The tale as old as time is about a prince cursed to become a beast among the many servants who are cursed to become his furniture, over time as the petals fall more of their humanity goes away until someone can love the beast for who he is; enter Belle who is classed as perculiar for wanting to spend all day reading and dreaming of adventure. When her father becomes prisoner for ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time Belle replaces him at the castle only for a series of events to unfold which ends in Beast saving Belle's life from wolves. As the two become closer leading up to a romantic ball scene, the town finds Belle's father Maurice guilty and is about to be sent to a mental asylum until Beast decides to let Belle go which ends up mistakingly leading Gaston and the town to the castle to destroy the Beast. After the confrontation ends and Beast is wounded by gun shot and Gaston falls to his death, Belle declares her love for the Beast and he's brought back to his human form along with his servants.
Hardly a spoiler the live action movie is pretty much word for word, song for song bar alot more story explanation from the live action film on why certain things are as they are, which gives the live action film some considerable edge over this animated counterpart, but the animated version is still very much whimsical and still remains one of only two animated films to compete for a best film oscar, the other being Up.
So in comparison both have their merits but compared to how CInderella went in Live Action it's far much superior in quality.
In conclusion I do wait to see what can be done next with other live action versions of popular Disney movies but is this live action version better than the animated?
Yes on the better story
Yes on improving and adding side characters
Not quite on whimsical and scale, as that ballroom scene is still hard to beat in any media let alone a faithful live action recreation.

Blue Exorcist The Movie Review

So having reviewed the series Blue Exorcist time to look at the movie.

The story begins with a storybook as a flashback sees Fujimoto read a story about a demon who got everyone to stop working and have fun leading to the demise of the village until an exorcist drove the demon away, from then every 11 years a festival celebrates this event and guess what, that's happening in this movie.
Before the festivities can begin, Rin Shiemi and Yukio are after a sinister Demon Train but a series of events cause part of the city to collapse releasing a rabbit demon child from a shrine.
As the barrier is being restored demon attacks start becoming more common while Rin is forced to look after the demon child having taken blame for screwing up the mission but while Rin and the rabbit demon bond it becomes more apparant that the rabbit demon is causing these problems.
The story was careful not to play the same card that it's been playing the whole series which is of course, demon bad, must kill, while it technically still does, it tries not to make it too much about that and focus more on the humanity and bonding between Rin and the Demon Rabbit Child, however while I like the direction and risk that it took to not play the obvious Shonen mistake and just make a giant battle, it did take up it's entire budget showing off how much it can fit on screen and not look like a giant graphic mess, don't get me wrong, it's impressive but it's just distracting.
Dub feels more polished this time and I don't appreciate the baiting in making me read the manga by introducing characters not due to appear yet. Yes I am aware that there is a season 2 airing at writing time, I write that in the sense that it hadn't been announced yet and it was still 2012.
Final Verdict: A nice change of pace from the boring overused Shonen movie plotline but spoiled a bit by it's ambition to try and make a graphical masterpiece.