What do Awards, Monkeys, and Flashbacks all have in Common? Well...

Okay! I’ve got my post now! So, it’s time to reveal a bit of Shola’s past! (Who, as of now, has no known dark side… <.<)

Used: Shola, Aberius, Tanner, Fresia, Raine, with mention of Lupe and Nyarth
Time: Starts the 13th and goes to the 15th when Tanner and Aberius are fighting


I left Tanner and Fresia, and spent what was left of the day wandering the mansion, eating, and swimming. Much later that night, still not tired from sleeping in until noon, I passed once again by Tanner and Fresia on my own self tour. By now I had it down pretty well. I knew how to get to my room, the kitchen, and the pool from my location, at least. Just as I rounded a corner, an Absol gijinka flashed by me, and I heard him crash into Fresia. Pausing, bored out of my mind, I decided to listen in on their conversation.

“Oh my. I am so terribly sorry, are you alright?” she asked him worriedly. You know, someone as formal as that would get annoying after a while, even being as nice as her. Well, at least she’s not the stupid bunny or annoying Meowth boy…

“My fault, sorry... Could you tell me what day it is, though?” Really, you’d think someone in that much of a rush would know the day, right?

“Today? “I believe it is the night of March the 13th… Actually, it is only 10 minutes away from tomorrow.” Wow, that late and I wasn’t even tired. I must have had strange sleeping patterns in my past to be going so off with the times of day. Not that I remembered any of it. “Excuse me, little boy?” I almost snorted with laughter. Little boy? Even from the glimpse I got of the guy, he didn’t seem like a kid to me.

“I’m not a little boy, I’m freakin’ 22, dammit!” he burst. I had to keep a hand over my face to keep from laughing.

“I-I am sorry…” she apologized almost too softly for me to hear.

“No, I’m sorry… what is your name?” he asked politely, huffing and calming down a bit.


“Fresia, I’m Aberius. Please forgive me; I’m having a little problem right now.” Aberius was his name, eh? And a little problem… from the way he was acting it didn’t seem so little at all.

“Is… there anything I can do?” she asked. I choked back a gag. It sounded as stupid as a cheesy scene from a romance film.

“No, I’m fine… Actually, I would recommend staying in your room for the 15th… I, um… here there’s going to be a swarm of locusts…” Wow. I didn’t think a blatant lie was even possible. Congrats on making up the worse excuse the world has ever seen. I’m sorry, but your speech had to be cut due a monkey seen eating bananas in the zoo next door.

“A swarm of locusts?” Oh thank sweet Jirachi that she didn’t seem to believe him.

“Yeah, so I have to go find… Bug spray! So go hide in your room until it’s safe to come out, okay? Lock the door, too. It’ll be safer that way.” Okay, that made it even worse. If I had a trophy for the worst liar ever, I’d give it to him, but fortunately I didn’t. Hearing his footsteps pound off, I decided to get moving again so it didn’t seem like I was totally just eavesdropping on the conversation.

I found myself at the pool, and deciding I didn’t really want to get my entire self wet, I took off my shoes and just stuck my feet in.

I wonder what that guy’s hiding I thought to myself. Staring at my feet, something seemed oddly familiar… Suddenly a burning sensation swept over my head, and I grabbed my head in my hands.


I was surrounded by grey walls, with a lone door. I knew it was locked. Just like always. Sure I could bite through it, but I would only meet tazers and punishment outside. The scent of chlorine was overwhelming in the air. A giant pool occupied most of the room. I sat on the side of it, dipping my feet, in one other person beside me. Both of us were soaking wet, but being the water types we were, we enjoyed it.

“Hey, Shola?” said the boy. I looked over to see a Buizel gijinka, who couldn’t have been any older than 13. Something told me he wasn’t much older than me. His hair was bright orange, and his eyes were dark. His face had whisker-like black marks on it, and he wore no shirt, only orange swim trunks. A yellow floatation ring went around the base of his neck. His wrists had blue, fin like protrusions, and in the corner of my eye I could see his two tails twitching.

“Yeah Brian?” I asked, blinking as I took my eyes off my water submerged feet.

“Do you ever wonder what it’s like outside here? They say the water doesn’t smell as bad, and that the sun makes sparkles on the moving water. They say it rains sometimes, which is like getting splashed from above!” He turned away from me and looked back at the clear, bluish water. I did the same.

“Yeah, I think of it every time I try to go to sleep. I can’t even imagine what it’s like out there…” I trailed off. We were silent for a long time, and I began to look at my feet again. Finally I looked up at him with a big smile. “Okay! I’ve decided! If I can ever get out I’ll take you with me!” I told him decisively. He laughed and smiled at me with a goofy, lopsided grin.

“Okay! Awesome!” Going back to messing with our feet in the water, our hands slowly slid together, until they were overlapping. It felt good knowing someone else was there for support.


I removed my hands from my head, the pain having subsided. That was… my past? A part of it, at least. It was strange now, knowing that I had never seen such simple things as rain, or the sun on water. Brian… it was obvious we had feeling for each other, but I was only between 10 and 13 at the time. Had it ever developed? And if I had escaped, was he out there somewhere? Or was he still captured? Where would I find him if he was? Or maybe he wasn’t even alive anymore. Maybe he did escape, but we left each other, or got separated.

My head swirled with so many questions, I felt dizzy enough that I thought I was going to fall into the pool. Deciding maybe swimming would help calm my racing heart, I removed my shirt and dived in. As I tried to clear my head, time raced by silently, until the next thing I knew the sun was coming into the room, and my eyes were starting to grow heavy.

Getting out, I squeezed the water out of my hair and pants, then put on my shirt and shoes and walked back to my room. I think a few people were starting to stir, but I was headed to bed.

In my room, the clock read 7:14. Flopping on my bed, I lay there for about the next three quarters of the hour, just thinking and questioning, trying to remember more of my past, until at last I fell asleep.


I awoke to see my clock glaring almost painfully bright at me. Ugh… almost noon again? I really needed to fix these sleeping habits of mine. Sitting up and stretching, I slowly got out of my warm, soft bed and set my feet on the not so inviting, cold, carpeted floor. Searching out my shoes, I didn’t even bother to flick on the lights. Leaving my room, everything was silent in the mansion. Not even a low buzz of energy. Strange.

As soon as I passed a window, I realized why. It wasn’t noon, it was midnight! Well, no going back to bed for me, now that I’m up. Trudging to the kitchen, I found someone’s left over dinner and ate slowly. After a few minutes, I felt more awake, and stood up, silently making my way back to my room.

Once there, I changed into a new bathing suit, grabbed a towel, and headed for the pool, leaving my shoes behind. No use bringing them, since I was fairly trusting of the floor after we had cleaned up most of the mess around here. Emphasis on the fairly.

At the pool, I found my mind once again drifting toward that clip of my past. There was so much uncertainty that I found myself chasing every thought in circles. Exhausted, I sank to the bottom of the deep end and sat there for a while. Coming up, I brought half my head above the water, allowing my hair to drift behind me. How very Sharpedo like.

Having fun with the strange feeling of the water on my lips like that, I continued to swim like that for a while. Looking up at the edge of the pool, I suddenly thought I saw someone there.

“B-Brian?” I said, making bubble with my half-underwater mouth. As soon as the image of the young boy came, it was gone. I… could have sworn I saw him standing there! With that weird smile! Looking around, there was no one besides me in the room. Sighing and blowing more bubbles, I leaned against the side of the pool, rubbing my temples with one hand. Get a hold of yourself, Shola!

After being there long enough that a non-water type would look like a shriveled up raisin, the sun started to poke through the windows. Sunrise. Getting out the pool, I squeezed out my hair. Looking back at the water, I felt captivated by the way the sun sparkled on the gently rocking water. Standing like that for a few minutes, I finally turned and left.

Back in my room, I changed into my normal clothes. Slipping on my shoes, it wasn’t until I was brushing my hair that I realized that I had left my towel in the pool area. Leaving my room, I was walking the down by the mens’ rooms when I heard loud shouting. One voice was feminine, the other sounded like the Absol from the other day. Aberius, right?

Not really interested in was a female was doing in a male’s room this early in the morning and shouting at each other, I continued on my merry way, passing a few sleepy looking people. At the pool, I realized that I had completely forgotten where I put it. Greeeeeeeat. So after a few minutes wasted looking for it, I found it hiding in plain sight. If it were an Ekans it would have bit me.

Outside the window, I saw motions. It looked like a Ralts girl and Aberius, but something didn’t seem right about the Absol gijinka. Maybe it was what he had been talking about? Suddenly, he seemed to be attacking her! Drawing a sharp breath, I rushed out the door and down the hall, looking desperately for a door. Finally finding one, I rushed outside to see the Ralts girl alone. The air stunk of blood. As a Sharpedo, it was one smell my nose was trained to never ignore.

“Hey, are you okay?!” I asked, jogging over. She seemed to be more in shock than anything else. “I saw a bit of what happened earlier.” She was bleeding on her neck slightly. Without waiting for a reply, I put my towel on the wound.

“Th-thank you,” she stuttered, putting her hand on the towel. “It was Aberius… He was acting strange, and he-“

“Yeah, I saw it,” I interrupted. A girl telling me a sob story was the last thing I needed today. “Do you know where he went?” She just shook her head. Well, I wasn’t about to track him down. Whatever was wrong with him wasn’t my problem. “We should probably get you something better than a towel for your neck. Let’s go inside.”

Well, I hope I got Raine right. I know it’s a weird place to stop, but I wanted to let Kitty continue.

