I is back :P
Currently playing FF7- expect a essay/feature sometime soon.

Exhuastion (stupid mako -_-)

I have not posted recently for a good reason actually, it seems that subconsciously decided to play through the entire ff7, including the compilation. this is in celebration of finishing my GCSE's- not a small feat by any means. The problem is, is that it is proving to be more time consuming than I hoped. this is leaving me rather exhausted, thus I am keeping this brief. I may update sometime, and I will definitely inform you when I finish the challenge I seem to have set myself. elsewhere, things seem to be rather quiet, mainly as we prepare for our holiday in the isle of wight. so- comment, subscribe, and wish me luck again!

Help- My Electronics hate me!

after today, when I got home, I found out that every wireless device I own has begun some kind of rebellion. my laptop, DS, and PSP have decided that they want the easy life from now on. My laptop connects to the internet whenever it likes, at whatever speed it pleases. my DS and psp refuse to confirm the existence of our SKY broadband router/modem, despite the fact it can clearly see it.
this is not helped by the fact its my turn to pick what film to watch, without access to ign or odeon's websites to check whats on. So, Uh, any ideas?

on a more positve note however, I highly recommend anyone with an Xboxlive account to download the 2 part documentary on ninjas, in celebration of the release of ninja gaiden 2. it covers the history of the ninja, weapons they used etc, plus tons of footage of the game, and how they all tie together. better yet, its free, meaning all you need to watch is 2.4 gigs on your hardrive.

Take two!

Okay, After failing miserably at creating a first world, this time I will take every action necessary to make my comeback on TheO.
I'm watching you...

Ahem, As I was saying, I'm probably going for the world record for the ultimate time spent AFK- 4 months if you want specifics, but I'm not counting.
For those of you who don't know who I am, I am a 16 year old student from south east england, who, like many people my age, are laughing at how easy this years GCSE's were. In september I will be starting a two year course at lewes college in various areas, namely I.T, Physics, English Literature, and Mathematics with statistics. Do NOT ask me what I wish to do in the future, you will get a funny look before being LAzER'D.

Anyway, in my spare time I listen to music (too many bands to remember), play ma videya gaems, and watch my precious anime. As you may or may not have noticed, my favourite all time anime is the mighty DBZ. I also like Bleach, Naruto (+Shippuuden),FMA, Death note, Lucky star, azumanga daioh, the melechony of haruhi suzumiya, and samurai champloo. I have been into anime since 1998- the first airing of pokemon and the beginning of the british anime industry.
since then I have been trying to cope with the lack of good releases on this small, japanese culture depraved country with nothing more to help me than the internets and my friends, who are known as oro, chouji and doctor (I would be sai.)
Tis Me!

So, remember to comment, leave me a message, or hit me round the head with a baseball bat- its your choice.
