Posty Post Time

It's been ages since I posted and I am now remedying that.

I have tons to tell and nothing at the same time.

Yesterday was my 32nd birthday. Twas not exciting at all. I got up and went to work to find out that we were to close the office and go to lunch for Christmas/Molly's Birthday. Cool except that put me behind for the rest of the day. Kind of worth it and kind of aggravating. I don't understand that the slower our office is with sending workers out, the busier I seem to be. It shouldn't be that way.

We have an employee who is very self important. He's a jackass and I could go on and on, but he got unnecessarily rude to me yesterday. It was on the phone, and he just kind of soured my already mediocre birthday. He actually yelled at me and then hung up on me. he called back a little bit later and said he wanted to speak with anybody but me. Little did he know that I'm the nice one.... Jackie suspended him until further notice. It's been coming, he just sped up the process.

On Christmas Day I went to see "Les Miserables" with my sister. it was good, though there were a lot of FACE SHOTs and I have some issues with it, like Russell Crowe was not angry enough. Who ever would have thought that would be an issue? Anne Hathaway was amazing. I cried. don't tell.

The weekend before Christmas I went to my family celebration at the Abbey in Missouri. It was lovely. Lots of kids, lots of noise... fun.

Speaking of Christmas, my parents are amazing. My coworker's house was robbed like 10 days before Christmas and all the gifts she'd bought her daughter were stolen. I told my parents and they went shopping (through me) and got my coworker's daughter (age 6) new toys so she wouldn't be without christmas. My parents are the kind of people that the world needs.
