Update! =D

Hii!! How are you guys?!! I'm good, everything's good and I hope you're all fine. :)

I haven't been around so much lately and haven't been updating much. I'm on a break from school right now so I think I can manage my time to make more art, especially iPhone wallpapers because I've only made two so far.

Umm, my best friend is having her birthday party next week on Wednesday. I and my friends are planning on making a scrapbook for her birthday. We also bought her a purse and a birthday cake today. I hope she will be very happy with those presents.

So, I can't wait for the Hunger Games. Nine more days to go!!
For all who have read the books, have you checked the cast? Well, just want to say this, the one who played Cato is really really handsome, CLICK. I mean, he's not the Cato that I was trying to imagine, he's too handsome and I don't see any sign of brutality in his face. Seriously, I thought Cato was an ugly brute and big, like BIG.

Well, I've seen him playing "Race To The Witch Mountain" and "The Seeker" before, but that time he was only a kid and I was too young to realize that he's so good looking. <3333

The Hunger Games Trilogy <3

Goodbye my dear cupcake External Image ;_______;
I'll miss you more than you'll ever know.

I just read the first book of 'The Hunger Games' and wow… I love it so much. The movie is coming out soon.

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If you're interested, here's a summary for you.

In this story, there's no United States, because the continent of North America is now called Panem. This country is run by a President from the Capitol. The rest of the country is divided up into 12 areas called districts. Every year for entertainment, the Capitol hosts The Hunger Games: a bloody fight to the death that is televised and mandatory to watch. Two tributes (one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18) from each district are selected and forced to enter the arena in a battle for their lives. The twenty-four tributes must fight to death. The last tribute standing wins.

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she hears her sister gets picked to be a tribute. Katniss takes her place in the games to save her sister's life.
