Join the Creative Community!

Thank you for applying for the Creative Community! Please fill out the following form and message it to Creative Community. The application is designed to not only keep track of who's in the Community, but to also find ways to improve the community and get to know members. Applicants should receive a verification of their membership and guest poster privilege within three days after submission. If no reply is received or you're not included in the member list, please message one of the Administrative Team Members. Though it is optional, we also encourage you to introduce yourself to the Community in the comments of this post using your application as a guide.

Please read the rules before applying.

Nickname(how you wish to be referred as):
Specialty(list programs, media, tools, writing/drawing/sculpting, etc.):
Administrative member or normal member?
How do you wish to contribute to the Community?
What are you good at?
What skills do you want to improve?
(Optional)What tutorials/references/resources would you like to see more of?
(Optional) What experience do you have (any classes, internships, certifications, etc.)?
(Optional) Would you be willing to help create Lesson Plans based on assignments you've learned?

Submit your Application
