So you wanna make a quiz...


Step 8: Upload Result Images and Submit

"The final step! Upload an image for each of your quiz results below. This is the step that most people mess up on, so take your time and make sure that each result image is as good as you can make it before proceeding. If you lack artistic ability, we recommend partnering with someone else who can make the result images for you.

Images must be in .jpg format and within 400 by 200 pixels. Each result image should have a picture and elegantly displayed text about the result. Here's a great example to guide your creation."

Button "Previous" and Click "On to Page 7!"

{DO NOT CLICK NEXT PAGE IF YOU ARE EXPLORING! When you click on to page 7 it will submit what you have, so if you are filling out a lot of nonsense just to get a feel with how the system works, that will go through to the Guru, which would be a waste of the Guru's time}