New Features on TheO

I have been asked a few times about some of the features TheOtaku has to offer, so whether you are completely new to the site and trying to figure out how the society works, or recently returning after mourning the death of MyOtaku, here are some FAQs about the new stuff!

"I was just wondering if you know what the deal is with the trophis displayed on our portfolio pages are - like, what do they stand for, how do you get them, etc." ~KuboRocks

The trophies have only been around for a month or so. There is one for pretty much any activity you can have on TheO and the more you submit of something, the higher the trophy.

The ranks are (can you start with the blank N/A one? XD) bronze, silver, gold, and ruby

The trophies in order that they are on your page are: fanwords, fanart, wallpapers, fancomics, ecards, quizzes, and comments

Another new feature I don't know if you know about is the chatroom. There is TheOtaku chat now and when you visit there, you can chat with other TheO members that are on (there are some restrictions like you have to have had your account for 30 days and after you've been around for 6 months(?), you can host your own room on it) So it may be a place for you to explore if you feel like conversing with other anime fans ^^

*EDIT~ Thank you Kastom, for discovering that being on for only a month you can get onto chat after a month and not 3 even if the faq offical stuffs hasn't been updated on that yet!*

"I haven't figured out the gifts though...just seen them and realized that those [...] were new since my last visit" ~KuboRocks

With gifts, you are allowed to give up to 6 in a 30-day period. You can access them by highlighting "profile" from your backroom and then selectings "gifts"

There, if people have given you gifts, you can choose which ones to display on your profile page (you will get a PM notification whenever you receive one) and select gifts you would like to give to others and put their username in to send ^^

"What are the requirements to go up from otakuite to otakuite+ and so on? Also, what are the other names for the different levels?" ~Angelic Song

For the rankings, every month they give out 'status promotions' like the otakuite++, otaku legend, etc. They give these promotions to members that are active on the site, so you earn these promotions by submitting fanstuff, posting, and commenting, as well as logging in practically every day. I'm not sure on the exact amount of activity qualifies for a promotion, but as long as you keep doing stuff on the site, you'll climb that ladder on your way up to Otaku Legend! :D

The rankings from beginner to veteran are as follows~
Otakuite; Otakuite+; Otakuite++; Senior Otaku; Senior Otaku+; Senior Otaku++; and Otaku Legend

Aside from those rankings, I don't know if this flew because I haven't seen anyone with the status of it, but they did have a trial of "Otaku Angels" for those who wanted to help others, either by saying they wanted to apply for it or be nominated for it. They likewise have a + and a ++ for Angelites and Angels with the top being an Archangel. I considered trying for it myself...but I didn't want to keep a diary to report all my good deeds XD I rather just my good deeds be recorded in heaven; the only reason I would switch my title over would be so others would know they could come to me for help ^-^
