Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) team JNPR

team JNPR
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original team JNPR is original

Emblems | brush + One lost texture link. T.T

made in Photoshops

Since I've been making a lot of team RWBY wallpapers, it seems only fair that team JNPR stars getting some wallpaper treatment too. Why not? Team JNPR is the second main team featured in RWBY who's character's stories are followed almost as closely as the RWBY girls themselves. So please expect some more team JNPR wallpapers from me.

The members of Team JNPR are: Jaune Arc (leader), Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren

To be honest not much is really too known about their semblances, but I'm hoping to find out more in Volume 4. YES THE HYPE FOR RWBY VOLUME 4 IS REAL! *SQUEE*

The wallpaper is fairly simple-ish, tried to mostly focus on team JNPR and embellish the wallpaper as always with a bit of texture and brush. And yes I have been wanting to make a team JNPR wallpaper for awhile. Just never could find the right images. Until NOW. yAY!

That being said, hope everybody enjoys wallpaper. Dedicated to SmallxLady who is going through a hard time right now.

RWBY Wallpapers
bokeh, epic, jaune, jaune arc, lie ren, nora, nora Valkyrie, pyrrha, pyrrha nikos, ren, rwby, team jnpr
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9 members Favoritefavorite
DrarkBlade nikkeh09 kita mikichi ElementalNinja Snowzi allycat2090 SmallxLady XxArrancarFanxX
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