YuYu Hakusho Beyond! Saga I : Impending Elements tiggerola

Last time Yusuke stumbled onto the trail of Kurama’s siblings going into the Crystal Caverns. He and Hiei ran into the foxes just as they had solidified their path to the legendary Ziberian Crystals. Remayolo ordered Yoko Kurama to take out his friends, but Kurama overcame his brother’s control. A fight ensued where Hiei took out Osuko and Yusuke beat Yokira…but now Endoya, Okiya, and Remayolo are well rested and ready to avenge their fallen siblings.

Episode 12 : Heart of the Caverns

[In the Crystal Caverns, Kurama in his human form faces Remayolo, both ready to spring.]

Remayolo: You really don’t plan to face me in that pathetic human crust.

Kurama: Don’t grow over confident, brother. You may regret it.

[Kurama pulls out a rose from his hair.]

Remayolo: I’ll believe it when it happens.

Kurama: Very well. ROSE WHIP!

[Kurama snaps his whip at Remayolo.]


[Remayolo swings his arm, sending off sharp dagger-like claws that shred Kurama’s whip. He runs to Kurama and jumps, kneeing Kurama in the face and sending him back. As they fight on, Endoya circles around Hiei.]

Endoya: That was quite the show you put on with my brother, little one. Such passion. In the short time I’ve known you, I’ve come to admire your spirit.

Hiei: Hn. Too bad I can’t say the same about you.

Endoya: Then let me show you my own ardor; perhaps it could extinguish that little flame of yours. WATER SERPENT!

[Endoya lets out a mass of water that coils around Hiei like a snake. Okiya pulls Yusuke through the air, away from the other fights.]

Okiya: I’ll only inform you of this because I’m nice. But when a force is in motion, it will stay in motion unless a greater force stops it…like THIS!

[She stops and turns to punch Yusuke’s gut while he is still in motion. As she draws back for another hit, Yusuke swings his legs under and kicks her, sending them both flying away into opposite walls of the cavern. Concurrently, Remayolo knocks Kurama back with another attack.]

Remayolo: You cannot fathom all of my abilities. My power is limitless next to yours, brother; especially since you have forsaken your heritage!

Kurama: [straining up] It is not my heritage that has been forsaken! Just my role as your mindless puppet!

[Kurama charges Remayolo with vines forming a sword around his arm while Endoya’s Water Serpent continues to squeeze Hiei.]

Endoya: Feeling stifled yet? Perhaps I should leave you contorted like you left my brother.

[The Water Serpent wraps an extra loop around Hiei’s neck and runs up the side of his face, starting to force his head to turn to the extreme right. Hiei resists. Endoya chuckles and merges with her Water Serpent. The darkened section of her form in the serpent slides up and around Hiei. Her hand materializes by his cheek, using extra force to twist his neck. Her face emerges by his opposite ear.]

Endoya: [alluring] Come now. Relax. Give in.

Hiei: NEVER!

[Hiei manages to bring his arm up through the coils and grab Endoya’s pressing hand. He pulls it away and swings his head back. The force of the serpent loosens enough for Hiei wheedle his way out of it’s bind. The head of the serpent chases after Hiei. He jumps from it’s snapping mouth. After a jump, he lands on his hilt and melted blade, causing him to slip. He shoves off of it and raises the cooled metal as a shield against the serpent. The serpent snaps, getting the metal plate stuck in it’s jaw.]


[Hiei pounds the metal plate with a fiery fist. The Water Serpent recoils.]

Hiei: I beat your brother and I can beat you!

[Endoya retracts her Water Serpent.]

Endoya: The problem with Osuko is he did not even get a chance to try out his new ability. Perhaps that is why he lost. I will not make that same mistake.

[Liquid circles from the ground, surrounding Hiei in a sphere. The fluid continues to fill in closer to Hiei. It burns as it touches his skin. Endoya walks around the sphere.]

Endoya: Ironic that something like water will burn you where fire does not.

[Hiei screams in agony while floating inside the ball.]

Endoya: You may have noticed the barrier of ice on your way in, now you know why it was so threatening!

[Yusuke and Okiya share punches in the air, neither making any progress.]

Okiya: I think it’s time I clipped your wings! AIR CONDENSE!

Yusuke: What? WHOA!

[Yusuke is forced plummeting into the ground. He strains to get up but fails.]

Okiya: Didn’t know air could be so heavy did you? You can’t see it, but I can manipulate the particles to hold together and force you down.

Yusuke: Heh. I’ll have to remember that one.

Okiya: Foolish amateur. What’s to remember after you are crushed? [laughs] Can your pride handle it? The thought of being crushed by nothing but air?

[Yokira’s hand flinches, which Remayolo spots out of the corner of his eye. He lets Kurama gain ground as he backs up to Yokira.]

Remayolo: You are not aware of the extent of my abilities. Shall I show you more?

[Suddenly Yokira springs up, grabbing Kurama’s wrist and planting him against a wall. The earth surrounds him, locking Kurama into the wall with only his head free.]

Kurama: Yokira!

Remayolo & Yokira: It will be fun peeling your stinking human flesh off…where should I start?

Kurama: Yokira! Stop! You must fight it! You have a choice! You don’t have to do this! Take control.

Remayolo & Yokira: [laughing] A useless plea, she doesn’t want to stop. She really must be upset about you deserting us. I only willed her to handcuff you to the wall, and she completely submerged you!

[Kurama ceases his struggle with a strategic look on his face. Yokira pierces his forehead with a nail and very slowly cuts him down the side of his face.]

Kurama: Hm. It seems as though you are not aware of the extent of my abilities, nor my relationships. Why do you think Yokira and I got along so well?

Remayolo & Yokira: Because she took pity on you, runt.

Kurama: There’s more to it than that. Think of me as a seed and you, or rather Yokira’s subconscious, just planted me in rich soil. HAAAA!

[Kurama’s eyes light up as a massive plant explodes up from under Remayolo which completely desecrates him. Roots break up from under the ground, connecting to Kurama and releasing him from his imprisonment. Remayolo and Yokira both let out a scream as he dies and her body falls immobile.]

Kurama Voiceover: Yokira. You sacrificed yourself to protect me. Unfortunately I have not the skill to repair the damage done to you.

[Kurama pulls out herbs to dress his face, including a hunk of skin missing near his neck as he looks over to Yokira.]

Kurama: [quietly] Thank you my sister. Forgive me.

[Okiya steps up to Yusuke’s flat body.]

Okiya: My, what a strong body to withstand the pressure for so long. Perhaps I should speed things up?

[Yusuke clenches his fist and pounds the ground. His body lifts slightly but goes back down. Okiya kicks his side to turn him onto his back. She crouches down.]

Okiya: Honestly, do you think you can live without air? This whole fight I have been holding your life. I could simply vacuum all the clean air away from you. But why don’t I just infuse your lungs with that luscious miasma that was outside and sample how scrumptious you are at the same time?

[Caressing the side of his face, Okiya brings her mouth closer to Yusuke’s. He closes his eyes and manages to swing his arms around to punch the ground again. This time his eyes start glowing and Mazoku tattoos appear on his body. His phoenix formed energy emerges from behind him as he rises and Okiya is thrown back.]

Yusuke: [ticked off] Shut up! You’re just full of hot air!

Okiya: Oh I hope that wasn’t supposed to be a pun; otherwise I would have to be offended.

Yusuke: Well then take offense, ‘cause you’re going down!

[Yusuke powers up as his phoenix energy wraps around him and concentrates into his fist, Mazoku marks gone. He throws it at Okiya, who flies up into the air. Yusuke jumps after her.]

Okiya: You’ll have to catch me first! TEARING GALE!

[Okiya sends a gust of wind towards Yusuke.]


[A gust of wind rushes towards Yusuke, making him fly backwards. Slow-motion as he hits the wall, feet first, he bends his knees and rebounds slightly higher than the wind current. Reaching the ceiling, he twists to punch with his opposite hand, sending him back down towards Okiya, punching her head with his energy fist while her eyes are slowly catching up with his movements. The force pummels her to the ground, onto the stalagmites that Yokira had raised earlier. Between the spirit punch and the spikes, Okiya’s body is an unrecognizable mess on the ground. Yusuke lets out a sigh then flops down beside Kurama.]

Yusuke: Whew. I hope there won’t be any more obstacles in our way here.

Kurama: Don’t worry. We already handled everything by the time you caught up.

Yusuke: That last punch took everything I got.

Kurama: As did my attack. Everything both I and Yokira had together.

Yusuke: So before, that head brother of yours was controlling you; how were you able to break free?

Kurama: I could have easily given in, there was nothing to stop me, but I did not want the result of that choice. Before, Remayolo could only control me because I let him.

[Hiei is near passed out from the pain of the burning liquid. His clothes have begun to disintegrate in it. The bandage around his forehead breaks off and his Jagan opens. He is consumed by an intense flame that revives him and evaporates all the liquid around him. Freed, he rushes behind Endoya to grab her in a bind from behind.]

Hiei: Say your choice of death quickly or I’ll choose it for you.

Endoya: I really think it would be in your best interest if I stayed alive right now.

[Hiei releases a hand and it burns with the immortal flame in front of Endoya’s face.]

Hiei: Heated ice turns to water. Heated water evaporates. Try as you might, you can’t hurt me.

Endoya: [sweating yet confident] But you have released my powerful fluid into the air. And air is what you breathe. Kill me and there will be no one to stop it from entering you or your friends’ respiratory systems. You felt what it did to your skin. Just imagine it rotting you from the inside out.

Hiei: I’ll take my chances.

[Hiei clenches Endoya’s throat with his fiery hand. He takes his other hand and clenches it as flames surround it and jabs it into her back. Endoya burns up then falls on her front. She turns her head to the side to get one last glimpse of Hiei.]

Endoya: Too bad we are in such unstable quarters; I could not fight to my full extent.

Hiei: If that were the case, you still would have lost. My dark dragon would have devoured your serpent.

[Endoya stops breathing. Hiei turns and walks over to the side of the tunnel leading towards the crystals.]

Hiei: [to Yusuke and Kurama] Let’s go.

[Kurama stands up. Yokira stirs and manages to raise her head; looking up at Yusuke and Kurama.]

Yokira: And so it ends.

[Kurama turns away from Yokira. Yusuke kneels down to look her in the eye.]

Yusuke: Your pack is destroyed. You are the only one left now.

Yokira: Very well, then hurry up and do it. Kill me.

Yusuke: No can do.

Yokira: You kill my siblings and just decide to leave me? Let me go and I will make sure you pay for their loss.

Yusuke: Honestly, I don’t think any of us have enough energy left to finish you off. Besides, You had the opportunity to kill me before, but spared me. Now call it some crazy code or whatever, but I think it’s only right for me to return the favor.

Yokira: Curse you! You weak-hearted fool! Next time I will kill you.

Yusuke: Now don’t thank me just yet…you’re in a pretty sorry condition right now. [stands up] But I have to say, should you live, if you ever cross me again, I won’t show you mercy. If next time comes [points hand in Spirit Gun position, touching her forehead] it will be for real.

[Yusuke walks towards Hiei. The two travel down the tunnel. Kurama briefly turns to glance at Yokira.]

Yokira: Brother! Please. Kill me.

Kurama: [pause, hidden sorrow] I will not.

[Kurama then follows Yusuke and Hiei. Yokira has flashback images of her and Yoko Kurama from their fox forms up to the present while she thinks.]

Yokira Voiceover: Yoko…Kurama…dear brother. Where has life led us? You have changed so much. This heart you have…the kindness you’ve shown me. Curse your kindness…how long am I to endure this pain…but I shall live…do you think that I will not come back to avenge our siblings? Why did you let me live? Why? I partook in your suffering…I delighted in tormenting you…yet…our bond. Ever since I found you in the human realm…you have shown me continual kindness…where did that kindness come from? How? How did you turn into a completely different person in so short a time? Is it possible for anyone to change? …Can even a wretch like me change? Can I become a new person like you? Heh, you’re a pesky little runt…but…the best teacher… [Fade out]

~*~Poll on your Favorite Fox Fight~*~

* * *

[Kurama catches up with Yusuke and Hiei in the tunnel.]

Yusuke: Welcome back. So, what about your sister?

Kurama: [downbeat] I can’t imagine Yokira will last for long in her condition. Remayolo was controlling her at the time. Taking him out like that for her was like removing the spinal cord. But she lent me the power to do so, even if it was solely meant for me to save myself. She intended to die.

[They reach the end of the tunnel with an archway into a grotto and cautiously walk in. The walls softly glow florescent blue. Looking around, the room is empty except for a sparkling piano in the center. The trio is taken aback from their find.]

Yusuke: That’s it? A piano? What about the crystals?

Hiei: They’re coalesced in the piano.

Yusuke: Well that will make things difficult.

~*~Listen to "Kurama's Loss" ~ by Cassie~*~

[Kurama walks up and sits on the bench. He lightly brushes some fingers over the keys. He plucks a note that resonates. He positions his fingers and plays a full chord that fills the room. He moves to a second chord, and then continues playing a sad tune that echoes down the caverns. Yokira is dragging herself, but stops to listen. She clenches her eyes shut and sighs through her teeth. A shadowy leg appears in front of her. Outside, across Demon World, Kurama’s tune carries on. Thunder sounds and clouds gather as rain cries from the skies. There is a ghosted layer of Kurama’s closed eyes and swaying while different sets of demons look up at the sky: Hokushin and the other monks; Mukuro; Kokou and Enki; Koto; Juri; and Yomi. The shot of Kurama solidifies as he finishes with a forlorn chord that vibrates to the very soul.]

Yusuke: Since when did you know how to play piano?

Kurama: Oh. My mother had me take lessons as a child. [rising] I forgot to ask why you two are here.

Yusuke: Well we’ve been investigating this demon club and they had us run a little errand to pick up these crystals.

Kurama: [reaffirming question] The Ziberian Crystals?

Hiei: [shocked] Ziberian?!

Yusuke: Huh, what?

Hiei: [just realizing Zerk’s goal] They’re legend to containing all the power that upholds Demon World.

Yusuke: [whistles, patting piano] Wow, they really aren’t your average gem at the store.

Kurama: This was what my brother was after.

Hiei: Apparently this is what Zerk is after as well.

Kurama: Knowing that, we should decide on what we are going to do about it.

Yusuke: Sorry. I forgot to bring my chisel; we’ll just have to take the whole piano.

Kurama: Really, Yusuke.

Yusuke: Just kidding. If these really are powerful, I’d say we should just keep them put. No telling what that mysterious bunch will do with them.

Hiei: So after all that. We go back empty handed?

Yusuke: Seems a shame.

Kurama: If anything, we can say we gained experience.

Yusuke: Hey, how many others do you think have come this far to the crystals?

Kurama: Considering Demon World is still in balance, I would say none except the powers that created the caverns; them or only those smart enough not to tamper with the delicate balance.

Yusuke: I can feel that balance just by that music you played. Besides, getting these for Zerk probably won’t get us what we want. I thought it was funny how they sent two of us and offered to reward both us where one of us could have done all the work but both come back with the prize.

Kurama: That is unusually bright for you Yusuke!

Yusuke: [offended] Hey!

Kurama: [sweatdrop] No, not like that. It’s okay, I’m proud. [explaining] You’re not blinded by greed of power that you could use the crystals for yourself.

Yusuke: Yeah, well, even if I could use them for good, Demon World’s balance would be upset, right? [walks back to the tunnel] Let’s go.

“Greetings from Botan! Well the search for the crystals is over. And thank goodness Demon World is still intact after that, otherwise that could prove troublesome for Spirit World. Still there is the matter of Zerka at hand. Will we finally find out what that lot is up too? Not to mention why Modaruk sought our boys’ help without explaining what is going on to us? Could he have his own ambitious campaign? Get ready to hear the big plan and what we’re going to do about it, next time on YYH Beyond!”

Date Published
09/13/08 (Originally Created: 09/11/08)
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