belletoile (Fan Art Portfolio) Akatsuki no Kuruma

Akatsuki no Kuruma
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Submission for the “Love Music” challenge by somegirl!

*stares at picture* cannot believe I did all that in one day...the coloring I it’s due this Saturday so I kinda had to hurry it along and stop procrastinating...but in my defense my computer had completely broken down for the last two weeks =

Needless to say I am very happy with this almost looks like a wallpaper ^^

So anyway, the point of this challenge was to take a song from anywhere in Asia and draw what you felt from it without taking too much influence from the lyrics...and I based my picture on the song “Akatsuki no Kuruma” by Yuuka...such a lovely song =3 It's from the anime Gundam Seed...

The sunset is based on the majestic air of the song, the swell of the notes while she’s singing plus the lovely bongo music that adds to the dramatic-ness...this is the feeling I got from it, as if I was looking at a symphony of nature...that’s the happy part of the picture =)

The guy sitting on the cliff is a ghost/spirit (notice the glow around him) and he’s based on the lyrics of the talks about a person losing someone and how the person is sending all their memories of the deceased far off (notice the sayonara) so that it doesn’t hurt anymore...I have him sort of fading off with the white bubbles as he looks at the last sunset of his life...also, the flowers are glowing and sending him off to the next world...that’s the sad part of the picture =(

This I drew on paper, then scanned it in and did the LineArt in SAI, then I colored it in and did the sunset in GIMP. I used a texture over the sunset which I found on Aethereality and brushes for the plants which I downloaded from...somewhere XD

Hmm, well that’s about it!

Enjoy ^^

Personal Fan Art
adieu, akatsuki, asian, belletoile, challenge, cliff, flowers, ghost, goodbye, japanese, kuruma, love, music, no, personal, plants, sayonara, somegirl, song, spirit, sunset, yuuka
9 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
Oasaka45656 hiding2survive omnia1
Member Dedication
Love Music 사랑 음악(digital&traditional)
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