Magnus Lensherr (Fan Art Portfolio) Kelsey - Realism

Kelsey - Realism
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Hey everyone ~ Grins ~


Because of some confusion on various things, here is the picture I used. It is reproduced with permission of Kelsey so no worries there:

The original

End Of Update

At last I have a picture I like ~ Dances around ~ This one is actually odd in that I liked it right from the beginning and so watching it come to completion was far more enjoyable. It is strange how different the feelings were compared to the last one which was like torture to finish ~ Shakes head ~ I shall have to draw people I know more often.

This is Kelsey ~ Nods ~ I asked her permission to draw her old facebook profile picture and she said yes, and so about a month after asking here is the result ~ Nods ~ I did it over tonight and Wednesday mostly sat on the window sill or at least around it in some form depending on the daylight there was (I don't sit on the window sill at night because I am too noticeable with the light on).

Man it feels like I have almost forgotten how to do these, must be the distraction of the elephants next door ~ Coughs ~ Anyway ~ Drags mind into focus ~ ((Oh and in case anyone worries I don't mean real elephants, just my neighbours being prats and I don't know running into walls? I haven't bothered to check but that's almost what it sounds like they are doing lol))

So we shall start with what I like the least because it is higher up and most likely to be read ~ Nods ~ I didn't quire manage to capture the awesomeness of her hair on the left hand side, she has really cool hair which must curl more or something than I have done it ~ Raises eyebrow ~ The shading on her neck around the T-shirt area could have been better, and the err right eye is a touch off but overall I do like this. It is definitely ended up in my style though ~ Coughs Hope you don't mind Kels ~ bows ~

What do I like best then? ~ Thinks ~ The lips ~ Celebrates ~ I finally managed to draw a set of lips in a more realistic fashion ~ Cracks up ~ The glasses were quite fun to do as was the hair on the right side, Kelsey has lovely hair ~ Raises eyebrow ~ Oh and the left eye, I like that one too.

So yea, this was one on actual drawing paper which I found when looking for a surrogate bucket to catch leaks a few weeks ago, using pencils of various grades, and it took err 6-8 hours maybe, I can't remember how much I did on Wednesday but that feels about right XD



PS: I almost forgot, ignore the smudging ~ Coughs ~ I did rub some out (yes there really was more!) but apparently my scanner decided to pick more up for the fun of it ~ Tuts ~ Also I moved my signature because this was drawn into a box and I only noticed halfway through signing that my signature would end up outside the box so I moved it and left the other bit there to prove it is 100% my own work! And nwo you truly are free to wonder off if you want lol XD

Personal Fan Art
angel zakuro, realism
6 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
Angel Zakuro Bazinga twilight samurai
Member Dedication
Angel Zakuro
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