Tohru Honda and the Sohma family believed the curse had been broken. Only now it appears to have returned to the Sohma family. The new God keeps the zodiac under lock and key. They are not to leave the estate or their God's side til the day they die. All they have is one another, but something calls to them beyond the cold walls of the Sohma estate. The call of freedom, of love, of having a chance at a normal life. Can they break free?

~[.::Zodiac Profiles::.]~

~[.::Nonzodiac Profiles::.]~


{->Zodiac Application<-}

{->Nonzodiac Application<-}



(.:~>>HELP LINK<<~:.)


[//Story Thus Far//]

{{{[News and Such]}}}


Just Keep Smiling

~Shino/Dog~ I smiled at Aibori. "Well I went outside already so that'll irritate him, I'm bringing home a couple of outsiders, and I ignored his phone call." They were all looking at me in horror. I just kept smiling. When we...

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Aibori - Here puppyy

I walked behind Shino the whole way back too the house. He was the only one in the group who actually ever talked too me. The children were running around playing with eachother and I smiled at there youth. I wish I ws that little again. Even tho I looked young and little like them I hated being a teen. I missed the days were Kanayuki was so nice too me. There was only one thing good about the whole meeting thing. I could grab my things and my savings so I could get an apartment.

"Shino...what did you do thats gonna piss him off soo bad?" I whispered too him as the kids spun around.

Enter Omoiyari

Finally!!! Today was the day! The first day to a whole year of freedom.
Yari was so excited when she first heard the news that she packed all of her belongings that very night. Yari might have accidentally made a hole in the wall in her eagerness to collect all of her things… BUT It *did* provide a nice refreshing breeze within her room, so she left it alone. Besides, she would probably make the hole worse in her clumsy attempts to fix it.

She took one last look around her room looking for anything that she may had forgotten to pack. Yari's room seemed pretty bare, until she noticed something sticking out from under her mat. She gave herself a good face-palm when she realized what she had almost left behind. It was a picture of herself and her dad at the Sopporo Concert Hall. She will never forget the sound of the orchestra and the way her father eagerly pointed out each of the instruments to her. It was the greatest day of Yari's life and her fondest memory of her father.

She carefully placed the picture in her bag and bounded out of the room. Once she was outside of the Sohma residence, she breathed in the fresh air then giggled and twirled in contentment. Ahh… the taste of freedom.

Of course, Yari had no idea where she was going to go… Yari never planned that far ahead. But she had a lot of money left to her from when her father died, and the amount grew each month with every check Yari's mother sent her. For Yari's mother, it was a small price to pay in order to get Yari to leave the house and never show her face there again… Yari still don’t know why she despised her when Yari loved her so much.

Yari quickly shook her head to rid myself of the hurtful memories she had of her mother. Yari received a couple of odd looks from the people around her, so she smiled, bounced, and waved her entire arm as a greeting towards them.

“Hello there! Lovely day today, isn’t it?!” Yari shouted in their direction.  The people then dashed in the opposite direction to avoid her. Yari pouted a little at her failed attempt to make friends. Oh well. They were probably just shy. Yeah… that MUST be it! Yari was sure she would meet others who would want to talk to her.

Yari continued to walk around in the outside world and noticed a flower shop. There were so many beautiful colors!!!! She gaped in awe at the different bouquets when she was suddenly struck with an idea. Yari bought a bouquet of carnations and took off in the direction of her old home.

Once Yari had finally reached the house she snuck up to the front door, carefully placed the flowers on the door mat, knocked on the door, and ran to hide behind a bush. A moment later the door opened and Yari saw her mother look outside in confusion. Yari's mother suddenly smiled when she saw the carnations. She picked up the flowers and took one last look around outside before heading back into the house.

Yari felt proud of herself for being able to make her mother smile like that. Maybe there was still hope for Yari and her mother. After all, she still sends Yari money. She could have just cut Yari out of her life completely but she still cared enough to make sure Yari was well off. Maybe they could repair their relationship. Yari had a whole year to work on it, so that’s a good thing.
Yari happily skipped down the road when she felt a vibration in her pocket. She pulled out her cell phone and answered it.

“Hello~ this is Yari speaking~!” she sang into the receiver.

"Yari!!! You need to come back to the main house quickly! God is calling a mandatory meeting with all of the zodiacs!”


This is my first time in an RP. So I greatly encourage constructive criticism. Let me know if I should change anything!

Hey Cat

~Shino/Dog~ I was happy that Aaralyn had decided to come with us. Now I just had to get through this supposed meeting. We were across tge park and almost to the entrance when I saw the cat sleeping in a tree. She had to come ...

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Duty Calls

Aaralyn Shino turned and reached his hand out to me. " you want to come with us?" Our eyes locked, and I didn't move for a moment. Was this the wisest decision that I could make? We didn't have anywhere to go, and it would be ...

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