San Francisco Trip

Well, The other day I went to San Francisco!! It was really fun, I want with my bro, his wife and my Dad. We all crammed ourselves into the car and headed down there for one night and a whole day. It rained A LOT, a lot a lot. There was at least an inch of rain on the ground and up here where I live, it doesn't rain that much so that was a lot for me. I love the rain though, so it was nice.

When we got to san fran we went to this chinese restaraunt and the waitress just ordered for us. It was odd...we didn't even get the names of the plates she ordered for us. Anyway, the food was AMAZING, but I got sick after seeing a waitor eating duck feet .-. it made me wonder what the meat ACTUALLY was....

after that we walked back home. By the time we got into the hotel, it seemed like I had taken a shower it was raining so hard! My clothes were soaking and so was I. Then we went to sleep because it was around 12 midnight.

The next morning we went to the westfield mall where we met up with Mikey, my sister-in-laws brother, Richard and Kyle!!!!!! (Mello159) Yes, I met Kyle and Richard last year on my birthday. Kyle was and still is (somewhat) a member of the Otaku and him and I always have a ton of fun. His friend Richard is really awesome as well. It sucks we live so far away because i'm sure we would be best friends if we lived closer. Hopefully I will be able to see the two of them again on my Birthday (March 11).

After some crazyness we both had to go our seperate ways D: and it was sad. But all fun comes to an end eventually.

Now...I have to bring something else up.
I'm sure a lot of you have noticed I haven't been on much.If anything you see me for a split second before I log off. Yeah I've kinda left? In a way. Not permimantly. Its because I'm just really needing a break from this place ^^;;;. So technically i'm just not going to log on as much for a while, or try to at least. I have a lot to do, school wise and anime convention wise so, I'm pretty damn busy and this site distracts me from all of that. I'm still logging on here and there but yeah. Not as much.

anyway, till next time!
