Tagged by Jobro x3

1. What does your username name mean and why?
It was a nickname given to me when I was in 6th grade and Its stuck with me since.

2. What fandom were you obsessed with when you joined and what are you into now?
Uhm...Naruto I think

3. How many subscribers do you have now?
about 140 something :3

4. Name 3 of your favorite artists on DA?
Skailla, O-renji, Allionia (dunno if i spelt that right)

5. Do you comment, fav, hug or all, just two, just one?
fave and hug

6. Do you participate in clubs' or contests here on theO?

7. What is your most popular submission on TheO?
oh man, I have no idea.

8. What are your favorite non-anime TV shows?
Top Chef

9. What are the things you wish you could draw better?

10. Summer or winter?

11. Rain or Sun?

12. What's your favorite type of music?
rock, pop, punk.

13. PC or Mac?

14. Anime or Manga?
Anime *doesn't like to read >.>*

15. Coke or Pepsi?

16. Read or TV?

17. How many hours a day do you spend on theO?
not sure...too many >.>'

18. Name a talent.

19. Flash or traditional cartoons?

20. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
I try to stay away from fast food restaraunts but I think its DQ

21. What are your top 3 favorite books?(not mangas)
I don't read >>

22. Wii or PlayStation?

23. Name 3 of your favorite bands/singers.
I don't know

24. Are you a fast, slow, or medium typist?

25. Do you like Denny's?

26. What is your favorite smiley?

27. What is your favorite type of pie?
Strawberry rubarb

28. Have you ever stayed up for 24 hours?

29. Do you go on YouTube a lot?
yes I do

30. Are you a member on any other sites besides theO?

31. Do you cosplay?

32. Fruits or sweets?

33. Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn?

34. Have you skipped school?
uhmm nah

35. Have you been on a plane?
yes many times

36. Have you swam in an ocean?
YES :3, surfing too

37. Have you been ice skating?

38. Favorite vacation spot?
hawaii all the way!

39. Ever been on TV?
Yes I have

40. Favorite salad and dressing?

41. What do you do to relax?
listen to music and sleep

42. What is the last film you saw in the theater?
the new Narnia

43. Favorite Sandwich?
Turkey with avacado

44. If you could go anywhere in the world...

45. Favorite time of the day?
Mmmm mid-morning

46. What did you want to be when you were little?
vet or masseuse

47. What do you want to be now?
Videogame designer or Art therapist

48. If you could eat with one person, who would it be?
uhmm...I don't know o3o. My otaku friends.

49. It was erased....

50. When is your birthday?
March 11

51. Favorite type of ice cream?

52. Last book you read?
Travels with Charlie (for school)

53. Which store would you max out a credit card at?
omg idk XD

54. Do you buy / sell / both on eBay?
I buy off ebay sometimes

55. What is the most annoying thing people ask you?
huh....uhm i don't know.

56. Favorite all time movie?

57. What was your favorite show when you were a kid?

58. What are you listening to right now?

59. What is the last thing you ate?
Chicken and sausage chili

60. If you were a crayon what color would you be?

61. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

62. Favorite sport to play?
don't like sports

63. Favorite Day of the Year?
I don't know

65. Vanilla or Chocolate?

66. Favorite Board Game?
Idk i don't really enjoy board games. OH WAIT! I like dirty minds!

67. Favorite smells?
Rain on pavement

68. What inspires you?
music, other drawers and dancers

69. Do you have any piercings?

70. How many siblings do you have?
blood: 2 and then there is joe who's my awesomely awesome adopted brother!

71. Bacon Bits or croutons?

72. Favorite Day of the Week?

73. Favorite phrase?
Uhm. "Touch me and i'll hurt you."

74. Favorite Restaurant?
I don't know

75. Favorite animal?

76. Favorite thing to do outside.
spend time with my friends

77. Favorite thing to do when it's raining?
listen to the rain and sleep.

78. Favorite Disney character?

79. Do you like coffee? If so, what is your favorite brand?
Its ok, I drink it sometimes.

I tag:
