Chronos Time Chapter 1

Chapter #1: Unexpected Encounter
Present Year 2157 
Scenery (A school classroom setting at S.K.Y Academy)
(starts off with a bird flying around the city and then lands on the window of Lucian's classroom)
Lucian: (looks quick and stirs away from the lecture to look at the bird)I thought you were gonna be late. (smiles)
Lucian: (voice over) wow its amazing how so predictable this city is… (takes out journal and flips pages until he gets to the page where he keeps his tallies for the reoccurring events)
Lucian: (voice over) Hmm let me… Ah there it is!(marks and put on Talley under the section labeled "Same bird at same time") eh that makes 23 today…
Lucian: (searches around the city for other topics he had in his journal) (voice over) "Same old lady walking across the street"? check… (makes the 14th mark under that title) Ok what's next?… (looks at the title "Adult Man falls off bike" then looks for it but can't find him) eh nope, there is no man falling off today…
Lucian: (looks at the title “Riley skips school to hang out with a different girl" and then clearly sees him hanging out a girl) (marks the 64th mark his journal for that section)
Lucian: (voice over) Man he has more tallies than all of them combined. (laughs and smiles)
Teacher: Lucian! Stop daydreaming about your sick fantasies and answer my question! ( Lucian quickly changes from happy to serious then stands up)
(the teacher calms down)
Teacher: Now, what is the answer to… in a given period of time, 9.98e-1moles of Ne effuses. How many moles of CO2 would effuse in to the same period of time? 
(the teacher grins evilly)
Teacher: (voice over) He won't get this right.
Lucian: (sighs) 6.76e-1….
Teacher: (voice-over) (Then Lucian sits down) What?! He got it right!… 
(The teacher grips her book really tight)
Kid 1: (whispers to kid 2) Man, he didn't even need anything to answer that….
Kid 2: (whispers back)I know! He shouldn't even come to school… He needs to just stay home and stop making us look bad.
( Lucian pretends to not hear them and goes back to tallying the events) 
Teacher: You may of got the answer to that Lucian but you won't get the answer to thi…. (the teacher is cut off by the school bell ringing)
Lucian: Well maybe next time you will get me…
Teacher: (voice-over) Lucian…!
(Lucian, content with showing up the teacher saunters out of the room. The video phone rings, and he answers it. A hologram of his mom comes out from the phone)
Lucian: Hello?
Mom (on phone): Lucian… Did you get your grandpa a birthday gift?
Lucian: (disappointed in himself) Oh, crap, Mom! I totally forgot it was his birthday tomorrow!
Mom (on phone): Well, you better get him something and hurry, 'cause the mall closes in two hours.
Lucian: Ok, Mother… I'll get it, don't worry… 
( Lucian hangs up)
Lucian: Man!!! (slaps self on forehead) Out of many of things how could i let this slip by?! (calms down) Don't panic you got this… (starts running for the mall but then trips on wet floor) Ow! Why does everything bad happen to me? (gets back up and starts running)
Scene change: Mall
(Shows a scenery outside the mall and the same bird is flying towards the mall)
( Lucian runs into the mall, and bends over as he catches a breath)
Lucian: (out of breath, puts hands on his knees) Ok, I'm here… (Stands up straight) Ok What will my grandpa really want for his birthday? Hmm… 
( Lucian puts his hand under his chin) I got it! 
( Lucian gets an light bulb above his head, and he starts running) 
Lucian: I'll get hi…
( Lucian runs into a stranger in a black cloak and falls down then rubs head) 
Lucian: Ow! I'm so sorry… 
( Lucian looks up and sees someone)
Lucian: …mister? 
(Lucian's eyes quickly catch the attention of the box in the stranger's vicinity) 
Lucian: Hey, sir, how much are you selling that box fo… (gets interrupted and jumped on by someone)
Unknown Person 2: Lucian!
( Lucian falls over from the weight of the other person)
Lucian: What the heck, Riley? I was talking to… 
( Lucian turns around and does not see the man anymore) 
Lucian: (confused) …someone?
Riley: I don't see anyone, dude!
( Riley laughs)
Lucian: I guess it was no one… So, what are you doing here?
Kashiusu: (still laughing) Nothin', just hittin' up some chicks at the mall. You see those two hot ones over there? 
( Riley points to two pretty girls standing near them)
Lucian: Yeah…?
Riley: How about me and you hit them up?
( Riley laughs)
Lucian: (Embarrassed) Um… No, thank you, I got to get a present for my grandpa.
Riley: You still haven't got that guy a present?… Well. I guess more girls for me! ( Riley goes towards girls with a look of intent. We off-screen hear two successive slaps)
Lucian: Oh, Riley… (with a -_-” face)
Scene Change: The other part of the mall
Lucian: (walking around) Man, it's been an hour and I still haven't found him anything. 
( Lucian walks passed a store that said Loveable Antiques and then walk back backwards) 
Lucian: Wow, that name sounds fruity… Well, it won't hurt to check it out. I already checked out every other store in the galaxy… Hey! Since my grandpa is old maybe he will like an antique object! Hmm… 
( Lucian goes in. As soon as he gets past the doorway, he sees the same man as before, who rushes up to him) 
Lucian: Hey, are you that guy from earlier?
(the storekeeper bows in apology)
Storekeeper: Yes, sorry if I ran off like that. I had to get to my shop…
Lucian: It's alright, sir. So what do you have for sale?
Storekeeper: Well, I have this watch…
(The storekeeper pulls out from the box seen from earlier)
Lucian: Yeah, I'll take that. My grandpa will love it, I think. How much?
Storekeeper: 50 bucks?
Lucian: Dang it! Do you have anything for 30 bucks?
Storekeeper: Well, I have this unique, antique chain?
Lucian: (with a ^^” face) You don't say... (back to normal face) Yeah, sure, I'll take it. Whatever…
( Lucian walks out of the store, swinging the necklace on his index finger) 
Lucian: (voice-over) I guess he probably gets the store name for having such low prices… it's still fruity name, though. 
( Lucian steps out of the mall doors) 
Lucian: (looks at around) I wonder what time it is? (notices that its getting dark) Damn! Better get home fast before it get dark. (Continues to walk and notices an alley) Hey! A shortcut...
( Lucian walks along and walks into the alley, nighttime approaching. Suddenly, from the darkness, six thugs appear.)
Criminal 1: Nice necklace you have there kid... It would be a total shame if you lost that chain. (evil grins) Or perhaps even get stolen...
Criminal 2: Yeah, kid, why don't give it to us? You know for safe keeping...
Lucian: (voice-over) Shit, what do I do? Eh do I give it to them? No!… this… is for my grandpa!
( Lucian starts to run)
Criminal Leader: Oh no, you don't, kid!
(all six criminals pull out guns) 
Criminal Leader: Fire!
(gunshots are fired, a bullet hitting Lucian twice in the right arm, one in the left arm, two in the chest… and one in the heart)
Lucian: (voice-over) Is this end for me….? (falls to the ground on the back)(looks up at the sky and sees seven shadow figures on the building, three on the left and three on the right but the middle shadow seems to be somewhat like a hologram shadow)
????: You will not die in such forsaken place! Here! (throws a watch and lands next to him, wait it seems to be the same watch from the store) Get it and press the top of it now!!! Don't die to such cowards!
Criminal leader: Who are you calling cowards!!!!?? Do we look like a bunch of cowards to you!!?? Guys fire!!! (Guns fires but none hit them)
Criminal guy 1: Uh sir what are those over there? (points to the shadow where a bunch of red eyes are lurking from)
Criminal leader: What in the world…..
(Five Demazi come out of the shadows)
Criminal leader: Lets get out of here guys!!! (him and men ran out of the alley)
(Demazi looks at Lucian, viciously then starts to attack)
(The hologram shadow stops him from attacking makasu)
????: Get the watch now, stop wasting time!!!! (grunts)
Lucian: But i can't move….
????: Stop being such a weakling!.. You are stronger than that!!!
Lucian: But i ca….
????: Be the god you are suppose to be…(Kicks the watch closer to him) Now go!!!
Lucian: (Clicks the top of the watch and then sees an area of lights passing him by fast) What in the world?
(Appears to be at the mall entrance) What just happen right now? (Feels self for wounds but no wounds and sighs) I’m fine now…
(pulls out phone and seems to be 15 mins before he got shot) (reaches into the pocket and pulls out the necklace and also…. pulls out the watch)
(sees that the that the hand moves down from 12 to 11) Time moving backwards? No way… and what did he mean be the god I’m suppose to be? I think I’m just gonna go home right now my head is starting to hurt, I mean i got what i came here anyways? (Starts to walk home but then realize that he is gonna take the long way) (pulls out watch while walking) I wonder what this watch does? I guess it was pure coincidence that i traveled back in time and by a watch at that matter… There could be no way that i traveled back in time happened by a watch.. Well i guess ill look it into tomorrow, I mean i got lots of homework to do.. (walks inside his house then glance at the kitchen area while walking up the stairs and then walks backwards slowly and i noticed that he did saw his dad in the kitchen) Um dad what are you doing?
Dad: Hey there Lucian!! I'm just cooking dinner for you..
Lucian: (voice-over) Oh no, hes cooking dinner (flashbacks when he was 10 years old and mom wasn't there to cook dinner and so his dad cooked but then it looked good to Lucian but then he ate it and started vomiting all over the place for the rest of the night) (looks nervous and holds stomach)
Dad: What's up Lucian? You don't look very good are you ok?
Lucian: Oh yeah just not hungry, i already ate. (nervous laugh)
Dad: (eyes starts to shine) I guess more for me!!!
Lucian: By the way where is mom? She just called me earlier.
Dad: (goes back to normal) Oh yeah, your mother went to get something for her dad for his birthday.
Lucian: I guess i wasn't the only one that forgot
Dad: She is suppose to get back later, tomorrow at the latest.
Lucian: OK dad i got some homework to work on (starts walking upstairs)
Dad: You do that good son of mine (eyes start to shine brighter)
Lucian: Oh dad… (embarrassed)
(He enters his room and close his door and then pulls out the watch)
Lucian: hmm nah this thing is probably a fake (throws on the bed, then gets the remote and turns on the tv) (eyes grows wide and in shock)
