
Leverett opened the door but no one was there, he looked to both sides of the corridor and the only thing he could see was a little shadow; he stared at it for a few seconds and then it talked with a weird voice.

"It seems you have your first job, you should hurry and get to the office"

He did as told and found out several students where waiting out; he looked at them and identified the pacient, the kid who asked for directions before. The girl from before tried to explain the situation but she was so nervous she couldn't, the other two kept silence.

Leverett opened the door and took Midoru with him, he placed him in one of the beds and began the procedure

"mmm Well thanks for he one who drugged him, at least he won't feel anything. Now the one who..froze his hand?..can do something about it?" He couldnt believe he wasn't surprised of the fact someone froze his hand; however it seemed the ice got weaker and his questions ended there.

He was a kind person and tried to explain all the procedure to the students so the nerves would end.

" Well it is a deep cut but there isn't any nerves, arteries and tendons involved; there are some damaged muscles but we can handle it. Now I'm going to clean the wound that is already numb because of the ice.." He was doing the procedure in a fast but soft way and ended it by closing the wound and wraping some bandages at the hand.

"its over, but he needs to stay here and you need to return to your classroom or am I wrong? " He said smiling


etooo someone continue?? ^^
