
I had landed on the ground so hard, my back hurt like HELL! This girl...she'd helped me up without reservation, and even now...she was pulling me so close to her. She reassured me with a bright smile...she seemed so kind...I tried to smile back...but I just couldn't muster it. I didn't understand why she was being nice to me. Everywhere I had gone...I was always shunned. Always treated like the local freak. At least I was wearing my gloves...

"I..." I began quietly. "I still didn't get your name..." I asked as she helped me to walk towards the classroom.

She smiled. "Yeah, I was kind of interrupted back there. My name is Reona. Reona Orimi."

I smirked. "Reona." I repeated, allowing the name to reverberate and play off my tongue. "Well, it's very nice to meet you Reona. I uh...I can manage now." I spoke gently pulling away from her. "Thanks."

"No problem." She giggled.

We arrived in front of the classroom, I opened the door for her. "Looks like we're here...I wonder just what kind of a school this really is..."

Anyone may continue! Yipes...wonder what the teachers are like! :x
