Trinity and Sinael

Name: Trinity Moriko

Age: 15

Hair color: black with purple tints

Hair style: held up in twin ponytails

Eye color: black-ish purple

Appearance: wears anything black mainly jeans and a t-shirt. She's short and really skinny, she sometimes has chains hanging off her wrists and neck one long chain she wears on her waist very pale skin

Personality traits: quiet, schemer, bored very easily

Quote: "Why live and be in fear when you could die and not fear anything?"

Divination: sound and illusions

Name: Sinael Moriko

Age: 16

Hair color: blond with brown tints in it

Hair style: held up in a braid

Eye color: silvery Grey

Appearance: usually wearing anything red or white. has red ribbons hanging on her arms and neck snow white skin usually bare foot. Super skinny and tall

Personality traits: shy quiet sometimes hyper

Quote: "Not everyone's alone. Some people have guardians watching them,"

Divination: water and white magic (control over water and has healing abilities)

Hope this is good also Sinael is a girl.
